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Canadians have legal euthanasia

Britols need to wait before getting medicine

Amercanus have to pay

Canada has a controversial assisted suicide program called MAID ( Medical Assistance in Dying) that has occasionally been suggested out of the blue to non terminal people who didn’t inquire about it.

This joke isn’t porn so I think we are all confused. OP did you mean to post in another sub?

lol have you ever tried USA healthcare. Its mix of both UK (your appointment will be in 83 days) and the USA (super costly)

I don’t know where this 83 weeks business comes from. Yeah they aren’t going to treat your crushing sense of ennui but in my experience if I say “persistent abdominal pain” I’ll be on the carving block before the week is out.

American healthcare being good. LOL. Our outcomes sit around most of the other countries in the Americas…

public healthcare is only bad if it’s underfunded, which is always on purpose. and when a state wants to replace it’s public healthcare with private healthcare, it guts funding. private healthcare seems like a better option, but when it replaces it, the American example happens.

As someone who’s had multiple relatives die in the hospital of treatable things, American healthcare is not fast or good, whatever dumbass made this meme has never left his basement. The other two are pretty accurate though

It’s cope.

Factually inaccurate cope to try and justify bankrupting normal Americans for catching a cold and being prescribed tylenol.

The US lags behind Canada and the UK for outcomes and access to treatment, the image is misleading at best as fast and effective care is only for the few in America.

Fast and good have no fucking right to be at either end of the American Healthcare line.

It’s generally fast because they are trying to process as many patients as possible for the most profit of the hospital, and it’s never good because either you cannot afford actually “good” Healthcare or your insurance will find some way to weasel their way out of paying for what you actually need.

I fucking hate it here.

Dr. Elmer Hartman here. This meme plays on the classic “Fast, Good, Cheap—pick two” idea, which says you usually can’t have all three in any service or product at once. It then applies that concept to healthcare in three different countries (the United States, Canada, and the UK), highlighting common stereotypes:

1. **United States (Fast but Expensive)**
– The joke is that if you want quick and high-quality care, you’ll get stuck with a massive bill. Hence the line: “That’ll be $129,537.34. Cash or credit?”

2. **Canada (Cheap but… Dark Humor)**
– Canada’s system is portrayed as low-cost or “free” at the point of service, but the joke exaggerates concerns over resource strain and a controversial reference to euthanasia laws. The line “Have you considered killing yourself?” pokes fun at the idea that you might be offered extreme options instead of quick treatment.

3. **UK (Good but Slow)**
– Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) is reputed to provide solid care without huge bills, but the wait times can be extremely long. “Come back in 83 weeks for your procedure” lampoons these notorious queues.

Overall, the humor arises from taking each country’s healthcare criticisms to a tongue-in-cheek extreme, mapping them to the “Fast, Good, Cheap” problem, and pointing out that no system can be all three at once.

It is a joke saying USA has good, cheap healthcare not cheap , Canada has cheap quick healthcare not good and the UK has good cheap (it is free) healthcare which is slow despite ours not being slow just stupid US people saying you cannot have free, good and quick healthcare

Bold of you to assume American Healthcare is fast OR good

This implies that American healthcare is good

Shit like this is how Americans convince themselves that their healthcare system is functional compared to countries with overall better health outcomes and less health spending per capita.

The UK is NOT LibLeft wtf….oh right. Americans.

The UK is pretty accurate. If you’re dying they’ll save your life with (mostly) excellent care for free. If you’re merely in daily debilitating pain well…see you in 2030. Triage is paramount in allocating resources.

one is fast and good but expensive.

one is cheap and fast, but not good

one is good and cheap but you gotta wait

american made a meme about deluding themselves about the state of their healthcare system

Because Canadian healthcare is relatively quick and affordable, a lot of people say that the care is low quality. I don’t know if that is true because I am not Canadian.

More like slow and expensive in America.

Laughs in german

How do you call it when it’s just cheap? Not good or fast (Russia.)

American healthcare isn’t even very good or fast.

bold of the meme saying that US healthcare is good lmao

People losing their mind at the concept of an optional merciful death for someone who is terminal and in pain

You can add the Canadian quote to the USA system as well.

In USA there is no free healthcare, while in countries that there is free healthcare, people die anyway because they dont give a shit and Canada encourages euthanasia for any reason (dont ask me why. Im not a canadian)

It’s worth noting that uk NHS healthcare waiting times have only ballooned in the last 5-10 years due to chronic underfunding and mismanagement,

Private medical is also available to uk citizens and compared with US is incredibly affordable with only a £100 excess and regular next day appointments – mid senior corporate roles often include private insurance free

Having experienced both first hand and seen the shit show of the US, the UK has it pretty good regardless of private or social and with a government

Guess ill just die

Okay so this is a healthcare adaptation of the old craftsmans mantra -when asking for something to be made you can have it good and fast, but it won’t be cheap, you can have it good and cheap, but it won’t be fast, or you can have it fast and cheap, but it won’t be good.

Basically – you get what you pay for and you can’t have something be simultaneously good, cheap, and fast to produce.
The UK healthcare system is good and cheap (free at point of service) be t after years of underfunding it is now overloaded and slow.
As to Canada a d the us – no idea, I don’t live there, but the system tells me that America has good fast healthcare if you can afford it, and Canada has fast cheap healthcare that isn’t up to snuff.

But Canada’s not fast either… So “pick any one” and canada chose cheap. At least the brits and yanks get to choose two.


In 2023, Canada’s median waiting time between a General practitioner (GP) referral to a specialist was 14.6 weeks. In addition, the median waiting time from the specialist appointment to treatment was 13.1 weeks. **In other words, the median wait from a referral by GP to specialist treatment in Canada reached an average of 27.7 weeks in 2023. However, the median waiting times in Canada ranged from 22 weeks in Ontario to 57 weeks in Nova Scotia.**

Cuba is the triangle itself

Regrettably, the Canadian system is not fast in anyway. So you’ll be waiting 83 weeks for the doctor to suggest offing yourself.

Canadian healthcare is in no way “Fast”

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