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Hopefully someday we’ll all find our own Jeff…….

or maybe an Ellen whatever works

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My husband created a reddit account just to upvote my comics, so I know you’ll see this, Jeff!

You’re the best thing that ever could have happened to me and I’m so grateful you came into my life ❤️ Thank you for being your amazing self!!

I get this. I had to explain to my partner the other night I had to ensure the oven was, in fact, not a lemon and trying to burn our house down

The NyQuil and Flu are doing numbers. Damn these viral accountants.

I find this comic kinda sad. There are so many people who try to measure themselves up to the partner/job/hobby and find themselves wanting despite everyone around them singing their praises. It’s imposter syndrome basically.

I mean obviously pizzacake is very happy so there’s no need to be sad here but it reminds me of others who struggle through life with self-doubt despite being patently brilliant in so many ways.

A very

> Gf requirements:
> – Is girl

Moment (in the best way)

No joke, this is very sweet. Out of curiosity, how do you think this comic would look like of Jeff wrote/drew it?

“Me n the baddie I pulled by being autistic” vibes

Really thought that “good cook” block said something else initially

Everyone feels this way about their spouse… unless they narcissistic. Then that shit’ll go the way the Hindenburg

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I misread the second from the bottom…


I am a Jeff who found his Ellen. Just know that if he were making this comic, he would depict this relationship far differently.

If Jeff is reading this, does anyone doubt that he would vouch for these characteristics for Ellen?




Great Mom




(Bet he could add a lot more, I’m just guessing based on intuition from what I know of your comics)

You may be (ok, definitely are) a weirdo, but you are HIS weirdo

Damn. This reminds me of how my wife and I interact. She’ll always do something weird or quirky, and then say “why do love me?”
Thing is, I’m a weirdo in my own right. It just works.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

I want to see the husband version of this!

I feel the same way about my boyfriend. We’ve been together for over 10 years now and I still can’t believe he chose me.
I’m chaotic, clumsy, emotional, dumb and that without counting my mental illnesses and physical limitations and he still says he loves me and I make his life better and I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY lmfao

This perfection of a man is treating me like a queen and I’m just over here self destructing 😂

I’m currently seeing a girl that’s basically like the female version of your husband. While I’m super stoked that she’s into me, I genuinely have no idea why. But I’m not gonna question a good thing

My mindset is that a good, healthy relationship is one where both people think the other person is the one who settled.

High five, Ellen

Given the place of the text bubble, I misread good cook

Good cock

Is there a gender reversed version of this? I need to send that to my wife

So it’s the hot wife and dumb ass husband trope reversed.

“The millennial comic couple” meme but unironically

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I love the crazy legs.

Given the location of the bubble, I read that as Good Cock.

You might be a wacky broad, but you don’t seem to be a mean girl.

I’d rather deal with someone who’s an absurdist than asshole.

Women vastly underestimate how much of an advantage they have over the other women who will literally try to ruin your life for no reason.

pizza cake top head game

Aww, i want this, but my wife would be on left and I would be on the right.

Lies I’m pretty sure you posted a picture of yourself here once and are at the very least cute and funny

This is basically my husband and I!

Bestow upon this army of weirdos your forbidden knowledge that we might embody this witchcraft and conjure for ourselves this “Jeff” we all seek!

Reveal your secrets!

Convinced? So what you’re saying is… that you got some *serious* dirt on him?

at this point i live vicariously through the comic writers of this subreddit

Cat comics, great cat comics will get anyone.

My wife and I usually alternate between which one is the weirdo, but then there’s times where we’re both the weirdo. That’s probably why we married each other.

I don’t know why but every woman u dated has always been terrible cooks. One tried their hardest and made a loaf of bread.. packed with vitamins

Same basically. Valentines is a day to remember how goddamn lucky I am that I met someone amazing who likes being married to a goofus.

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