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Bro not being in a coma fought for his life just to survive his mom roasting him lmao

i mean…… 12 years of someone you love basically being dead anyway. why would anyone want them to stay alive 😅 it’s easier to bury them and grieve then be in a constant state of misery and grieving forever, and even after a month of what he went through i’d want to be dead lol. trapped in your own mind for 12 years?? can’t imagine how fucked up someone would come out of that like.

me and my family and my partner have all agreed – if any of us end up in a coma, pull the plug after a month or so. it’s exceedingly rare for people to come out of comas after 1-2 months without being completely mentally fucked anyway.

My sister said this to grandpa after his stroke. I guess she was trying to tell him to go because it was only pain….. but it’s fucking weird. It’s definitely very fucking weird.

Being trapped in a coma where your awake enough to hear everything, sounds like a hell I would never want to live.

That’s me minus the coma

If I’m not mistaken this guy spent that time in a coma and they thought he had the mental capacity of a toddler and played Barney all day and treated him like shit he said he saw and experienced all manner of abuse, finally a Dr saw what he described as a light in his eyes and after he learned to communicate with a computer everyone was shocked he was fully aware and had normal brain capacity, he went on to write a book and is married now it’s an incredible story.

My father abused my mother when he came home drunk.. but no one cares and it lives with me every single day

Not me crying 😭 🤣

Lol jokes on her, she died first!

12 years in coma? I would hope my mother would hope I died.

oh… this is hard, bro

Doesn’t count when the person saying this is yourself

is that Thom Yorke?

Jesus. Real life Dr Stone.

There’s a difference between saying those words who is healthy vs saying to someone who is in comma

What’s the big deal. Just say it back and make it happen.

Tbh: If you dont get fixed and patched up after a year or two, everything after that is just too fucked up to live into. Make your papers guys, just in case. I dont want to get zoomed 10 years into the future just to hear what i lost, who died, what burned in a body which is absolutely trash level because it was on machines for 10! years. No thx.

I don’t think it was out of hate. It was out of her not wanting to see him suffer by more probably

to be fair to the mom. being bound by someone who has been in a coma for 12 years must be so hard. at that point their death may bring closure to both parties. of course them waking up is even better


I mean, I don’t know what’s worse having the awareness and hearing that, or the alternative of having the awareness that they’ve decided to pull the plug and you have no say.

Eh, being in a coma conscious? I’d hope i die too. That sounds like hell.

To be fair, she might have said that out of love for her son. 12 years is a damn long time to be in a coma, after all, and maybe she just didn’t have the heart to pull the plug herself / deep down, still held on to hope that one day, he would wake up, despite how small the chance.

Didn’t even see the comment at the bottom.

Do you think hearing that from his mom boosted his will to live? Or do comas just not work that way…

Why does he have shoes? Not like he’s gonna walk anytime soon.

that’s mad


It’s a book called Ghost Boy

That’s so intense. It’s a reminder that even when we think people can’t hear us n our words can still have an impact…. I hope he’s found peace in his recovery.

Did she say it maliciously or as a kinda mercy death situation?

“You gotta stick by family no matter what!” What if they despise you?

Really cool Story. Check out the invisibila Podcast Episode about it

As someone who was once a kid with a lot of health problems, the people empathizing with the mom here are demonstrating why so many disabled people don’t (and shouldn’t) trust you.

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