🔥 Once in a lifetime capture

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The new Green Lantern has been chosen.

This green fireball in the sky is most likely a meteor burning up in Earth’s atmosphere

The green color happens because the meteor contains metals like nickel and magnesium, which glow green when they burn

Meteors like this are not rare they happen when space rocks enter our atmosphere at high speed. Sometimes, they burn up completely, and other times, small pieces reach the ground as meteorites

A similar green meteor was recently seen over Maryland, lighting up the sky just like this one!

POV: You’re living on Alderaan.

Alright, there are three possibilities here.

1. You just witnessed a test firing of the next Death Star

2. Someone just commandeered the Flying Dutchman

3. Someone activated a quest marker

Photo Credit: Prasenjeet Yadav

IG: prasen.yadav


From the photographer’s IG: “This is definitely one of the most memorable shot I have ever taken and also the first image that NG published back in 2016!! This GreenMeteor was captured while taking a time-lapse to document the urbanization around the Skyislands southern in India. The camera was set at 15s exposure for 999 shots and this came into one of those shots. Green Meteor’s greenish color come from a combination of the heating of oxygen around the meteor and the mix of minerals ignited as the rock enters Earth’s atmosphere. [#Natgeo100contest](https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/natgeo100contest/)”

That’s Minas Morgul. You can’t fool me.

“You may fire when ready”.

you got that right, that is awesome

We all know this isn’t a meteor but a testing of the death star. Pretty cool image tho 🙂

Yay. Necrons.

Go birds man🦅🦅

Why are you on Alderaan?

Which Superman movie is this?

Someone’s coming back from Davy Jones Locker.

I saw one last summer at night when I was walking my dog. It was really small and it happened super fast but it was so bright. The flash in the sky caught my attention then I saw it glow green and it left a streak in the sky. The whole thing lasted maybe 5-10 seconds. Really cool to witness


Stitch is landing

Cue the hell diver music

Phenomenal phenomenon

Well done!

Hang this on the wall.


I saw this once in the Poconos on I80 it then exploded and that whole side of the sky glowed Green for a second

It looks like our cloud barrier saved us! Awesome capture.

Truly an amazing photo.

God how I wish that was a death star blast.

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