🔥 What do you suppose they are talking about?

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Probably picnic baskets

Three of them telling the other one about this blonde hair girl that entered their house and was trying all their stuff and food out.

“My Bobby… that cub just ain’t right.”

The bear necessities of life.

Who peed? It’s warm where I am…

Best fishing spots

Guys, do you feel as if someone’s watching us?



Da Bears! 

Bears, beets, and Battlestar Galactica

Trout and salmons price increase

Their wives

OBVIOUSLY they are talking about the merits of an all denim and leather wardrobe

Eating the creepy guy taking pictures of them from the bushes

How they will divvy up the Camera man

*Some weird hooman is probably watchin us right now..*


Some claim nature is filled with nothing but suffering and yes, there is plenty of that. But I see so many pics in this sub of wild animals enjoying life. This is one of those and I love it!

If the Lions are going to beat the Bears this weekend.

“This year I lost my dear husband Edgar.”


“Sometimes I can still hear his voice.”

Bear OR Man

“ Look Fred, stop saying you didn’t fart, we all saw the bubbles.”


This is a group of bears that only work together that are finally hanging out outside of work promising to not talk about work yet all they are talking about is work.

How they are finally going to beat the Packers this year.

Preventing forest fires.

“Guys, we are losing ground in a big way to giraffes. We need a strategy to get back in the card and baby onesie game.”


Heist plans.

Looks like the locals at the country store by my house who have coffee and talk about who’s getting how many bales of hay from the farm today

“What the devil are we going to do about this human problem, chaps”

About how all of them get picked by a woman over a man

That candlesticks make a nice wedding gift

The recent Cubs game, obviously

– This hunter was really good.

– A bit chewy on legs but ok. Some leftover if you want.

– dont complain could be a biker. Nothing greasy, only bones.

(all laughing)

They’re bearing their hearts to one another

They lowered interest rates and we STILL kicked the markets ass!!! LMAO!!

Do you guys shit in the woods?

Salmon, always salmon

all the bears who are not there

They all ate the funny mushroom, and are now contemplating “Why are we like this?”

All the hiking kooks, clanking bottles

Hey, see that human up there filming us? Yeah, these idiots all think we’re “majestic creatures” and they’re “nature enthusiasts communing with wildlife”…

After we get cooled off here, let’s go eat that guy like we did to the moron up in Alaska.

Fishing stories if I had to guess

Bearly anything, just chilling

I don’t think we can bear the argument

“This water is so cold that I can bearly stand it”

The necessities.

The right to bear arms?

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