
By ieatair
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It insists upon itself


*Laugh tracks* *Laugh tracks* *Laugh tracks*

Random science shit

*Laugh tracks* *Laugh tracks* *Laugh tracks*

Oh good. This again.

is this a meme from 2013?

I avoid any show that has fake/forced audience laughing. It immediatley makes it all unfunny, because you have the laughs to tell you “This is ment to be funny! You have to laugh now, viewer!”

And, it usually results in the conversations being shit. They build on the laughing, often dont include any jokes at all. See this Big Bang Theory edit, that has no laugh tracks. The conversation is depressing, they all seemingly just hate each other. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKS3MGriZcs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKS3MGriZcs)

While sitcoms like Community, without laugh tracks, have actual jokes and conversations, that have to work on their own.

Plus, these fake laughs are done ALL the time. WHENEVER someone says something, as if EVERYTHING is funny as fuck.

comment image?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63cb36e2bb3a9b17335abf62742f7fa5ebc2c459

Just reply with this next time



I personally love that show

Indian guy says something in his Indian accent. Laugh track ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

The daily hate on anything thatโ€™s not the office.

I hate that show too. The acting is very try hard. The jokes are obvious. Just not goodโ€ฆ

Itโ€™s not the best show ever but it has its moments.

There are some very good jokes mixed in with the bad ones.

How i watched most of it.



So youโ€™re here telling us what you donโ€™t watch?

Thanks I guess?

I bet people love to talk about music with you too.

Agree that show sucks


It makes dumb people feel like theyโ€™re watching something clever.

Without the canned laughing track, it’s like a meeting of psychopaths. I hate the whole thing.

It wasn’t funny got month of my life stolen

The show makes cheap fun out of stereotyping nerd culture. Itโ€™s a low effort, badly acted, poorly written show. The idea was original. I hate it because I love the idea but itโ€™s very badly executed.

Truer words have never been spoken

I read once why: dumb people think itโ€™s a funny show for nerds with witty humor. But it isnโ€™t written for the audience to align to the nerd characters, itโ€™s written for the audience that aligns with the dumb neighbour blond girl, and the jokes are for dumb people like her.

It is pretty funny. Probably too offensive for Reddit but it is funny.

Ahh Just like pineapple on pizza, I feel like people only hate this because the internet tells you to

It is actually kind of annoying how many people think this show is funny. Just glad it’s off the air.

Most overrated show of all time. I instantly know I wonโ€™t get along with anyone who says they enjoy watching it.

That’s dangerous theritorhy.

How is the big bang sucks meme still relevant in 2025.
Its crazy that the show sucks so bad this meme outlasted 9gag.

actually useful as background white noise while scrolling through my phone

Yeah that never clicked with me, i had the same experience with IT Crowds, saw clips and friends told be is funny. Watched it and……… it was kinda boring.

Well we cant all like the same thing.

It’s fine most of the time, i think the fans are worse than the show.

The cast were funny for a few of the early seasons and then it quickly got old. No actual joke or anything just characters saying supposedly funny stuff with laugh tracks.

Neurodivergent stereotype- laugh track- neurodivergent stereotype- laugh track repeat for 30 minutes

Complete hot garbage. Indicative of the self entitled do nothings.

If you find it funny, good for you. If not, move on. Nobody cares whether you find it funny or not.

As a physicist, that show makes me want to ***. Itโ€™s incredibly misogynistic and plainly unfunny. Young Sheldon however is peak

hahaha same here

I hate that show. I hate that it excuses poor behavior because they are socially challenged nerds. โ€œThey donโ€™t know any better! Hahahโ€

The IT Crowd is so much better. It punishes them for being socially challenged nerds.

Personally, Arrested Development is better than Big Bang Theory

This is how I feel about Seinfeld. Iโ€™ve never found him funny.

“It’s 50000 funny”

I recently decided to check it out. Literally the first scene is just semen jokes and canned laughter. Yeah, I’m out.

My reaction as well.

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