1 Million People Gathered in Istanbul against Erdogan According to CHP!

By subasie
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I want him Erdo-gone

Fuck around and find out erd*ÄŸan. We’ll keep protesting and do whatever we can for our rights <3

People seeking democracy, full support to Turkey, Serbia and Hungary! 🇹🇷🇷🇸🇭🇺

Well done Turks!

Let’s hope that there will be a snowball effect and that Turkey can finally return to a functionnal democracy once again…
It’s stunning to see that in our good old Europe people a so attached to their freedom that they are willing to protest, strike and fight for it….in Serbia, in Greece, in Turkey, in Ukraine…
Meanwhile in the U.S the so called “country of freedom” is turning into an oligarch dream with the absolute support of half the population and no real reaction from the other.

Oh man, let’s make 2025 the year of overthrowing dictators. Balkan spring going strong.

live: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8MkuNr7mAc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8MkuNr7mAc)

See this Americans? That’s how you defend your democracy.

We need to gather more people that’s not enough he should get the feeling wow I crossed the line… the Turks living in Germany have already protested erdogan we should pull of Serbian mod tbh. It’s still not enough… We also need more supports from the EU.. They have to step in and support us..That’s so vital to us!

Wow. Take notes, America!

Yet America can’t pull 10 people together!

1 mil! That’s alot of fucking ppl

This is a great time to be alive.

Many different ideals; Left, right, up, down, center…

Despite all of our differences, we stand united. Why?

One goal: A better, more just Turkiye. The danger we are facing is not a matter of which idea is ideal, it’s a matter of the people’s welfare as a whole.

Meanwhile americans feel 30k protest is an accomplishment, total wimps. Thats why Vance was confused, he is used to Americans always saying “thank you can I have another” after they get fucked over.

Congrats ..after 2 month of trump they gathered 34k together meanwhile in turkey after a few days you gathered 1 million. I’m impressed

Amazing people have been putting up with this for so long. People lost their livelihoods and pensions to Islamic Economics. Imagine if government officials snuck into your house and stole 75% of your wealth just to burn it. And then failed to minimise earthquake deaths outside of, well, not counting them. And sold emergency tents back to themselves. And a thousand more things so stupid they are just embarrassing.

Here’s wishing for the AKP going the same way as Ankapark – an abandoned eyesore.

Kick that old trash out. Don’t let it go.


and this number continues to increase every day.

Based! Congratulations, Turkey.

The Blues and the Greens approve of this message.

Erdogan gets his courage from the fact that he thinks that the US and Europe will not react to him. So far, he has been right, there is no reaction from either Europe or the US. If they remain indifferent like this, you will soon be faced with a new Putin.

Good luck to everyone. Ataturk should not be forgotten


PUTIN will find a way to try to save Erdogan this time again ……

85 million wait for early election. We will show our power at this early election.

Nice one. In the meantime, americans are proud they got 30k on a rally lmfao

Got Turkish friends. Wonderful people.

Amazing, man. Wish you guys the best! ✊


Stay strong and fight for your country and justice…..

It will be more and more ,ErdoÄŸan needs to leave the country.

Get him out!

I’m happy for you guys. Keep fighting

Throw him out.

Then Vucic, and Orban.

There’s no place for dictators in Europe

Erdogan is a terrible dictator. I worry more about who may succeed him

Turkey: We have 1 million protesting! 
Reddit: I hate Trump!! 

me: worried for my turkish girlfriend who just went to visit her parents


The world is unravelling all over the globe in countries ran by dictators. And the man upstairs is watching, and waiting for the word from his father to return to earth.

All power to you. Time we got rid of these dictators.

In normal world, that wasn’t because Trump kept rambling buying Greenland or whatever. The protests in Turkey, Serbia and Hungary vwould been frontpage news in Denmark(for days with the situations in Turkey an Serbia). But it is very heartwarming to see that is forming counterreaction to the extreme right and in this case totalitharianism that swept Europe, the western world(and this case Turkey is a lot more Western than Erdogan wants to admit). What Turkish Government just did by arresting oppposition are straight from some of 20th century worst dictators, and deffault in Russia today. I think the Turkish people and people of Istanbul can be proud of what they are fighting against.

It’s amazing how the Turkish people have assembled in such numbers. I’m hopeful that Turkey will see better days ahead with a stronger democracy, less corruption, and less human rights abuses.

Much love from the UK, and my hope for your future.

USA attacking Turkey in way to remove the protection of it to Ukraine.

A classic.

Overthrow the man! Make turkey for Turkey again!


event violent rarely work unless there is a pre-existing fracture in the elite who are dissatisfied with the status quo

Yet another country how you protest against a bad leader. Meanwhile, Americans sit in their thumbs. They like their new leader.

Stock market is going even lower than before…

If you protest in Constantinople they’ll be waiting in Istanbul

Stay strong guys, few causes are as worthy to fight for as democracy!

Meanwhile Musk banhammering everybody

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