10/10 life, no notes, legend

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Some men could learn that once you reach the mountaintop you can just chill and enjoy the view.

Think of all the people who would still be loved and respected if they’d never Tweeted.

My heart goes to dolly ❤️ I can’t imagine losing the love of your life after 60 years together. One one hand, getting 60 years together is the dream, but also, what a loss. 

Carl Dean, Carl Dean, Carl Dean, Carl Deeeeeeeeean!

RIP. Had no idea Parton was ever married. I wish all celeb spouses were like Carl.

I never even knew this guy existed, but I bet he was alright.

Got flirted with once and inspired one of the greatest songs of all time. What a guy.

Happy trails, Carl. Hope Dolly’s doing ok. Losing someone that you’ve been with for that long is just terrible.

If I married dolly Parton in the 60s I’d die a happy man too.

At least they had a nice civil life without paparazzi bothering her husband, more relationships should be like this where you can go out and never be noticed because your wife wears a wig and her husband was never on social media. It’s okay to normalize no social media as a celebrity and I wish more did this

Old school confidence.  You kids call it, big dick energy.

Her original bunny outfit for that shoot was made by Keanu Reeves’ mother. His mother held onto it after the shoot and he wore it for Halloween one year.

Just the one little incident with Jolene and he had to hear about it on the radio 3 times a day every day for the rest of his life.

Anyone who is good enough to stay by Saint Dolly’s side for 60 years *must* be a good man. GNU Carl Dean.

Take that, Jolene!

On top of all that, he got to go first, avoiding all the absolute dread that will follow when it’s Dolly’s time.

What percentage of 82 year olds have tweeted or posted on FB?


All he had to do was look at her face when her met her instead of her chest and show a genuine interest in her personality. Amazing.

RIP, just learned he passed away. Their love was one for.the ages. May they reunite in the after <3

Made me think of the potential alternate ending of La La Land

Hold on Dolly did Playboy!?

That’s awesome just going about his business. You rarely saw him in the spotlight ever.

Thats not all he got for his birthday…

He was really working it 9 to 5.

What a way to make a living!

And got hit on by Jolene. So dude was a stud

When you marry someone like Dolly all you have to do is live your life quietly in peace

What did he get for his birthday? A down finger? 

Never heard of him!

It’s proof that motorboating is very dangerous and you can die.

You could’ve just ended his background after “married Dolly Parton” cause that shit would be on my gravestone above my name

That man did not need Viagra that night.

RIP sir.

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