“$10 million, or would you rather wait this table?”

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I’ll take the ten million. Not one of those fuckers tips.

Unless I’m serving poorly prepared puffer fish – then fuck it, I’m in.

That table isn’t allowed within 500 feet of a school zone.

Abraham Lincoln is begging to be shot again in his grave having to be grouped in with these guys

I just think it’s cute that they made Trump and Elon so much slimmer than they really are.

Aren’t they already self serving?

I’ll work the table, little bit of cyanide in the soup and you could change the world

I’m happy to say I only recognize two people here. Unless that’s Epstein in the upper left and Pitbull in the middle. 

Just to be clear – I’m not *asking* who they actually are. I’m more than content not to know. 

(Maybe that’s the “we are not the same” meme guy top middle?)

Who wouldn’t take the $10m?

The original post was written by someone who has never worked in the service industry because this table is a fucking nightmare. Imagine having to smile at these assholes through gritted teeth for minimum wage.

Simping for felons.

And you don’t even put yourself at the table.

Doesn’t Goggins just yell at people to work out harder? He doesn’t really fit this group of Neo fascists and their enablers, right?

Let Jim Jones wait the table. Complimentary round of Kool-Aid. Abe won’t mind.

Why the hate on David Goggins?

A chance to serve them? Why on earth would you think that was going to be a good time, never mind worth millions. Male server – they would likely bully and disrespect. Female server – they would also bully and disrespect and throw in some SA as well.

Where’s Epstein? Cause he’d definitely be at that table too.

Sure, serve some yummy ricin errrr, rice. FBI I mean rice.

I would do this in a heartbeat. I hear there are tasteless poisons

I dunno. $10 million for the chance to slip laxatives and emetics into their food and drinks?

Or maybe ricin?

Or maybe deliver a few festive pipebombs disguised as a Christmas crackers?

I’d have to think about it.

Where’s Putin?

this has gotta be rage bait

Hmmm 10 mill or Tue chance to kill all the worst people in the world at once.

Tough choice.

I’m leaning towards an IED….

Only living politician I’d ever wanna have dinner with is AOC and that’s for… uh… different reasons.


Nono, think about it.
You could serve them anything.

Ten birds with one stone.

Red wedding vibes

Am I serving them bullets? Subpoenas? Treason Charges?

In this hypothetical, how much poison do I have access to?

If I have access to cyanide I’ll take waiting the table

But are there metal detectors?

Everyone draws Trump old but never fat. Do people forget he’s both? lol Honestly, same with Elon. Their real pics are all over the internet, yet these atrocities keep popping up.

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I would take 10 million over being a waiter….. Always.

Top row: Kennedy? – ??? – Trump jr?
Middle: Musk – Tate – Trump
Bottow: Shapiro – Lincoln, Rogan

Basically, who’s on the top row? I don’t recognize those guys.

Is that guy in the back left corner Romney? I feel like Romney wouldn’t be invited

I’ll wait the table. I’m bringing a flame thrower, though. An actual flame thrower, not one of Elon’s baby ones.

10 mill to have em all killed in a table like this. Knived hopefully by all the people they exploit

I read it wrong at first. I read for $10 mill would you wait this table? And I didn’t have an immediate answer.

I’m waiting the table. Whaaaat, they all mysteriously died from (insert poison name here), that night! How terribly awful…..

Trump doesn’t even pay his bills, you think he’s going to tip you??

Never have a hand grenade when you need one.

If I *have* to choose, I would choose the $10 million. But I would have to make payments. I don’t have that kind of money on hand

They’d be dreadful tippers and treat staff appallingly. I’d take the money every time. Besides, I’d be too tempted to suddenly lose my balance and upend food in their laps. Or try to discover who had hair pieces.

I’d wait on the table. So I could piss in their drinks, ejaculate on their steaks and shit on their desserts.

How fragile do you have to be to constantly modify (or in this case bastardize) original material and shoehorn yourself into it ?

The last eight years of this dick yanking for a bunch of people born on third base by an even larger group of people who are creating this nonsense to “own” yet another even larger group is insane…..and we are letting it happen

All sniffing each others’ butts.

Hmm, do I want $10 million, or do I want to serve a table full of idiots who’d happily kill me to get $10 million?

They don’t have enough collective brain cells amongst them to fill a soup bowl.

LMAO you think they’ll tip you more than 20%?

Where’s Shia Lebouf?

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