$1000 tip on a $40 meal

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Most expensive rejection ever.

1000$ worth of misplaced confidence.

I’m very sure this happened

The “text me” thing is cringe as hell.

Remember guys, women whose job it is to be nice to you aren’t hitting on you, they’re doing their job.

I’ll take Things That Didn’t Happen for 100 Alex

Like he won’t contest the charge now…


I like how her contact image is “Maybe:trinity”

Your uncle is dumb.

She did her job well.

What’s your man got to do with me?

My guy, you tipped $1,000 at Starbucks at 8 in the morning in Mississippi?

Sounds like not a tips, it’s a trap!

The uncle was not The One.

Did he think she was a prostitute?

There are ways of slipping things into casual conversation to find these things out. Sheesh. $1000 lesson. But I’m glad they got their rent paid! 😂

Dude was freestyling. He knew what he was doing.

Thx love

And the idiots spending on OF think they have a chance with that same girl.

Seems silly to tip someone expecting something more put of it.

Well, he shouldn’t expect to buy her attention.

That’s on him if that happened.

Your uncle is a grown ass man and should know better.

Ok, and? If her uncle is a real man he’ll simply accept the rejection.

Uncle is a creep anyway

Somebody get their unc

Yes. But if she saves the number- I’m betting in a month or two, he’ll get a text back….😅 when she remembers.

Never a shortage of simps lol

I just found out the most expensive dildo is 1.8million $.

Respectfully, your uncle is a dumbass.

I guess she wouldn’t have that rent problems with her uncle.

The uncle is a certified moron.

Her uncle pays for sex

I’m so sorry, but I find this hilarious!!

Shoot your shot but don’t hate when it misses. If you really want someone you have to spend time

Your uncle is an idiot.

“Excuse me, Bank of America my cards been stolen”

It’s true…I’m Trinity’s boyfriend

Unless he’s loaded, brought that on himself

Money can’t buy happiness.

He’s trying to buy a girlfriend

Simps will never learn no matter how old they are🤦🏾‍♂️😂😂😂😂

Talk about being irresponsible with your money.

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