$100M Political Favor!!!

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This is considered corruption everywhere.

Pretty obvious that laws don’t apply to these clowns.

It’s corruption here.

When you are a convicted felon it’s called a favour for a favour

It’s crazy that this isnt persecutable. If Trump did this in his first term it would’ve been game over. He saved Elon BILLIONS with his presidential TV ad.

Rules for thee, not for me.

Used to be here

It’s corruption here too but laws only apply to the non billionaires

It’s *ACTUALLY* corruption, but American media refuses to show any footage of the protests that are occurring all over the country against Mango Mousolini and his drug-riddled-train-loving boss.

Corruption in the US too. Ever since Citizens United legal decision, our politics have been corrupted by money.

It’s considered corruption here too. Just half the country doesn’t give a shit

It’s only corruption if George Soros does it, otherwise just a business transaction .

Bribery or “lobbying” as it’s called it America, is how our government works.

Emoluments wha?

From a 3rd world shithole country, that’s corruption & conflict of interests

I am sure the republican representatives will address this immediately…….

They don’t have corruption, they call it lobby

Yes, and his tv ad did so well 🤣🤣🤣🤣

This is the “abuse” part of their “waste, fraud, and abuse” talking points.

This is also considered corruption in America, but somewhere around 46% of registered voters seem to support and encourage it.

Cons are actually pro-corruption now.

How’s this legal?

Shit even our supreme court judges take bribes why lot the president. It’s crime season is the USA ya’ll.

Corruption sanctioned by the MAGA arm of the “Supreme” Court.

It’S cOnSIDerEd CorRupTiON iN tHE UniTeD sTatEs tOo.

America becoming a first world shithole.

It’s corruption in the states, too.

But not when you have the SCOTUS hanging from your balls.

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