$100M Political Favor!!!

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It’s considered corruption here, too….but only half the Country cares….

It’s considered corruption pretty much everywhere but there apparently

It used to be in the US too.

SCrOTUS told us it’s a “tip” if it comes after the favor.

Here, too, but the supreme Court is fucked sideways

Corruption isn’t a real concept in America, just “lobbying”

Jimmy Carter had to sell his peanut farm because they were worried he might use his office to unfairly help it.

IMAGINE Biden or Obama doing this?!?!

It was considered corruption in pre-Trump America too.

$100m for what? “Campaign” donation???

If it was anyone other than Trump and elon doing it, Republicans would consider it corruption, too

Where did this info come from? I want to read the article. Piling up the receipts.

This should be considered corruption everywhere.

In America too, but the gov’t is full of Trump yes men. So nothing happens. What a shitty time to be alive.

Oh man he could have had 20 dinners with the 🍊💩 for 100 million

It goes back all the way to the southern era. Keep pushing the edge of morality till someone comes along with an iron compass for the people to say that is illegal.

Is he the leader of the free world or a social media influencer?

I’m pretty sure Americans legalized corruption.

It’s considered corruption here too… when Democrats do it.

I believe the DJT stacked US Supreme Court had recently ruled this is actually a gratuity rather than corruption.

Edit: typo

Nice payday.

Ought to result in prison for both but it won’t since the supreme court has been captured.

It’s considered corruption across the globe

And everywhere else other than dictatorships.

Why hide it?

Quid pro quo!

Oh yeah same here but the cult never questions the leader.

This isn’t just corruption, this is straight up bribery.

Fire them both now!!!

It’s considered corruption here too, believe me. Unfortunately, the people who have the power to stop it aren’t doing anything, and alot of people are supporting it.

This is corruption pretty much everywhere but the States just don’t care about corruption anymore

Absolutely corruption

That is corruption here

It is here, too. Or used to be. In the before times. When things made sense.

Corruption of the highest order. Rich people buying political favor. It’s bullshit!!! And if Biden or Obama did this the MAGA fuck nuggets would go insane!!! Fuck them!

And most other civilized nations. You know, like Canada and Greenland for example.

In the US it’s also considered corruption, but we are real good at looking the other way…

The US doesn’t really have many ethics *laws*. Lots of ethics *guidelines* and *preferences* but not nearly enough *laws* or *people willing to enforce them*

Before America was made great again that was considered corruption here …

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