102 million dollars

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Ken Ham complaining about wasted money is like a Kardashians complaining about too much plastic surgery, peak irony lol

It’s got dinosaurs on it. He really is as thick as shit.

After the pounding Bill Nye gave this piece of ham on live TV, I’m surprised he hasn’t joined the fossils

As if he would spend a single dollar to help another person. He’d spend it on his shitty propaganda.

Amazing to me that people of today believe tales told by ignorant people thousands of years ago.

This “Ark” also got damaged from heavy rains and the insurance company refused to pay up, saying it was an “act of God”.

Ironically, it ended up severely damaged by flooding

“Spending money on teaching children scientific fact undermines our attempts to keep your children ultra religious and ignorant!”

~This Guy

“Let me watch built an ark to show that it could be done!”

“And how many power tools, crane, prime movers etc… did you use? How many contractors did moses used?”

Spending on evolution research has led to breakthroughs in medicine, agriculture, and genetics. Calling it a lie is not only misleading, it’s ignoring all the ways it’s actually benefited humanity.

And just generally its one of the greater hypocrises in the church.

I used to be a Christian and the amount of money that would get spent on material things is incredible.
Sundays are basically rock concerts in a lot of churches, and while that was kinda fun, it doesn’t really hold up against the scriptural Jesus.

Been to a loooottt of churches over the years and they spend more money on themselves than helping others.

Ah yes, because building a replica of a boat from a 3,000-year-old story is definitely a better investment than studying how life actually works. Priorities!

I saw him “debate” Bill Nye and can confidently say Ken Ham is a fucking moron.

The lie of evolution😂

More like Ken SCAM instead of Ken Ham

Do evolution deniers now realize how stupid they sound?

Hilarious that he sues because his Ark replica leaks….

Expired canned ham

He has always been ignorant.

The lie of evolution lmao. The fact these people benefit from the stupidity of others is incredible.

The biggest own of the whole thing is that it was supposed to show that the biblical proportions of the Ark could produce a sustainable Ark capable of housing the animals claimed in the bible. Not only is the boat not seaworthy, it needed flood insurance and it couldn’t be used as a petting zoo, they had to build one on another part of the property. They had to pivot to “it’s a building and not a boat”.

his version of the boat sank too. in a flood.

his replica of the boat that survived a vengeful god’s wrathful flood, sank in a flood

Millions ? Millions ? It’s billions you Philistine !

“Failed” theme park

The medical advances made possible because of the theory of evolution would like a word.

How about the un-taxed billions handed over by the marks to con artists pushing the oldest scam on the planet who then use that sweet Jesus cash to purchase private jets, yachts, mansions, mega-churches, foreign villas, investment portfolios, and even buy their own personal politicians to keep the scam alive?

Religion is business, not “salvation.” And a shady business at that. Right up there with snake oil salesmen, revised for modern times as “nutritional supplements,” “healing crystals,” and “essential oils.”

All of modern medicine, all of modern agriculture… yeah, I think these things benefit the human population.

Poor Ken, he wants so badly for his book of bronze age mythology too be true. The twisted logic is sad.

Put everything in to believing a fantasy book.

A mere drop in the bucket compared to the tax dollars that should be collected from churches and religious organizations that violate the Johnson Amendment for endorsement of political candidates and parties, which seems to have risen exponentially in the past decade.

And the billions of dollars wasted on the lies of a supernatural ghost that runs the universe and an afterlife which has caused the death of countless millions over millennia could have been spent on useful things too.

Ken Ham built a boat that doesn’t float.😏

When we are all living the mad max life next year during the trumpocalypse I hope this is one of the first rich people eaten!

Fuck you people

gene therapy or big boat that’s not seaworthy?

Boats and hoes

Ken Ham may be a nice guy, but he’s also got spoogesocks for brains, and should be treated accordingly – which is to say, shoved away and ignored.

uh yeah that’s the type of thing he thinks it should be spent on instead

Guess we’ll never convince him to have ‘faith’ in science…

A made up boat that suffered storm damage…

The only thing more wasteful than what the billionaires conjure up that others are doing, is their own waste.

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