12 years ago today, police escort scared children after the Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting

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I always have this small worry when my son is in school. So much shit can happen there, but I shouldn’t have to worry about him or any of those kids getting shot.

Only time i ever saw Obama lose his composure was speaking about this tragedy.

Dear crazy people who are considering shooting up a school: You will get more fame and make a bigger difference in the world if you shoot a CEO instead. Please consider carefully, thank you!

Fuck you Alex Jones.

12 years. Seems like 30 years ago for some reason.

Pictures of Sandy Hook still make me cry. They were such little kids.

This was the point where I lost all hope for this country

And yet politicians did **nothing** to prevent it from happening again.

# ‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

I sat on the couch with my newborn, surrounded by Christmas cheer, watching this unfold on the news and it traumatized me as a young new mom. 

i really hope those kids somehow adjusted to this trauma.. cant even imagine going through something like that so young

This was the day the United States decided it was totally ok with a classroom full of dead elementary school students rather than address the fact that high powered weapons had become objects with near religious reverence to a not insubstantial part of the population, and that some of them might decide to use them for what they were actually designed for. By all means, read [the Wikipedia summary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandy_Hook_Elementary_School_shooting) of what happened if you want to know what those kids went through in their last minutes.

That Alex Jones still draws a breath proves there is no god

So much fun when your kid comes home and talks about active shooter drills. And they say the problem with public schools are the teachers and their unions.

I will not type the name of the person who committed this act, because he wanted to be remembered. Instead, remember the names of those he senselessly murdered;

– Charlotte Bacon, age 6
– Daniel Barden, age 7
– Olivia Engel, age 6
– Josephine Gay, age 7
– Dylan Hockley, age 6
– Madelein Hsu, age 6
– Catherine Hubbard, age 6
– Chase Kowalski, age 7
– Jesse Lewis, age 6
– Ana Márquez-Greene, age 6
– James Mattioli, age 6
– Grace McDonnell, age 7
– Emilie Parker, age
– Jack Pinto, age 6
– Noah Pozner, age 6
– Caroline Previdi, age 6
– Jessica Rekos, age 6
– Avielle Richman, age 6
– Benjamin Wheeler, age 6
– Allison Wyatt, age 6
– Rachel D’Avino, age 29
– Dawn Hochsprung, age 47
– Anne Marie Murphy, age 52
– Lauren Rousseau, age 30
– Mary Sherlach, age 56
– Victoria Leigh Soto, age 27
– Nancy Lanza, age 52

If hell is real I hope Adam Lanza should be there burning every day

Due to the Carnage in the school the police told them to keep their eyes closed until they were in a safe area.

Children keep bleeding out and it’s nothing but useless thoughts and prayers. Whack a CEO and all of sudden the whole upper class loses their minds and scolds us to never accept such a thing.

No one cared about children being murdered. Why would they are care about anything then?

This is just a fact of life – JD Vance

And we did nothing. Failed state

God the looks on those poor babies’ faces. May Alex Jones rot in hell sooner than later.

Pro life would be those 20 slain children reaching adulthood.

And then an outraged nation decided to take gun control seriously…

Oh, wait…

Cowboy fantasies > Love of children

Oh man, something about those teachers just herding the kids along like it was a normal part of their job has me bawling

Fuck Alex Jones btw

As a teacher I just want to go ahead and say: FUCK. THIS.

Their lives weren’t nearly as valuable as that of a CEO whose life was all about the bottom line.

Alex Jones can go to hell. No respect for the foaming 2A nutjobs

Alex Jones deserves to rot in the deepest pit of hell

I am an elementary school teacher. I remember watching a kindergarten class pass by me in the hall later that day and it was all I could do not to break down sobbing

Every time my kids come home from school and tell me they did a lockdown drill I contemplate leaving this country.

I hate America

Alex Jones and anyone who supports him deserves to be buried in a deep pit of fresh human waste.

Alex Jones should have a picture of that girl in the blue shirt glued to his eyeballs.

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