15$ to build a team to defend you from the rest. Who are you picking?

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Saitama, Goku, Eren.

15 bakis not because they win but they might it would be interesting though

edit: what the fuck why does this have near-on 300 updoots

Wtf are the rest doing vs Goku and Saitama?

Just for the joke: Saitama, Mash and mob

Iโ€™m picking Goku and Saitama to fight everyone else, then using the remaining dollar to make Eren use the titans to hide and protect me

7 for Goku and 5 for Ryuko, 2 for Frieren.
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Oh yeah and 1 for Baki cuz he’s Him.

They Not Beatin’ 2 Gokus, And A Tanjiro, But He’s Fodder

Goku, Ichigo and Edward

Totally unbalanced because Goku and Saitama can neg diff the rest.

Gimme Saitama and Goku for offense and Edward for strategical defense.

Goku because as a powerscaler he legit solos the rest in brute strength, gojo as a living meat shield, Mob to hold back the rumbling until goku beats saitama and ichigo, and then I keep the $2 to buy some chips while I watch the chaos unfold

Goku and Saitama an Baki cus why not

Ichigo and Giorno for the main bulk
And Iโ€™m gonna make Baki use his dads narrator

1 giorno and a denji and mash (i just wanna chill with denji and mash giorno has got this)

1 dollar for my goat Edward elric. I mean weโ€™re gonna loose but atleast I had peak on my side

Goku and Saitama then the extra $1 I’ll buy some lemonade

Goku, Saitama and Edward Elric so there is someone normal to communicate with.

Goku, Saitama, Baki

Goku and Saitama are obvious but I’m really confused why people are picking Eren for the remaining $1, no offence to Eren but he’s a bit depressing to be around. I’d pick Tanjiro to just chill with while they fight.

Ichigo (hypotetical bankai) and Goku. Ichigo counters Giorno’s GER with his bankai (which is theorized to shatter fate and alter causality, that’s what GER does too) and passes through Gojo’s infinity. Saitama could be a threat because Goku likes battles, so he wouldn’t start the battle at full power, but if Ichigo helps, Saitama is cooked.

If theory doesn’t count, Goku and Giorno. Giorno traps Saitama and Ichigo in GER (they both are OP af and could be a treat to Goku) and Goku solos the remaining characters.

Goku, Natsu and Luffy

Two Gokus and a Baki for emotional support

Saitama, Goku, and Baki (just to handle the ones without powers)

Giornos Golden Experience Requiem can heal, and revert all effects. Naruto can sense spirits even if theyโ€™re invisible like Ichigo. Gojoโ€™s Hollow Purple delete people who can heal and his Infinity can stop ranged attacks. And as a sacrificial lamb everyone kills first due to threatening size, Eren is front line

Goku saitama pocket the extra dollar

Goku, Saitama, and Edward Elric

Way too easy

Ichigo, Gojo, Shigeo, and Denji

I’ll take Goku, Giorno and Ed lol

Goku, Giorno, and Edward.

$3 Gojo what a deal.

Iโ€™ll have $7 for Ichigo and take home a Gojo then pocket the $5

Literally nothing can win against Giorno. For the others, you can just take whoever would be the most fun to hang out with.

Gojo for infinity so they canโ€™t reach me, Goku for offensive, Frieren for her great variety in f spells which can turn the tides, and finally Eren as the mastermind who will be seconding me as strategist.

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