17 Year old Said She Was 23

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I’m mature for my age is what you say when you’re twelve and want to watch a pg thirteen movie, not what you say when there are people who don’t know you’re a minor hitting you up


Honestly she could still be lying, she could be 13 for all you know and then Chris Hansen would ask you to take a seat

“I’m mature for may age” really means “run like hell!”

“Mature for their age” is never said in a good context.


FBI was probably outside of your door and waited for you reply.

20 bucks she heard she was mature for her age from a guy twice her age she’s met before. Poor girl

On the other side of the phone:


The last sentence is ironic. Immature and naive about it.

If they really were mature for their age, they wouldn’t lie about being 23.

She’s probably fifteen. Run!

Tbh these baiting things are kinda stupid. Like what is the idea that you’ll catch some predator by pulling a bait and switch on your age? Dumb and pointless


How old are you?

Whoa. She’s lucky you’re a decent person and not someone trying to zip tie her into a foreign country….

It’s a cop.

She’s so mature for her age that she felt the need to lie

Some of the most immature teenagers I’ve met are self proclaimed “mature for their age”

turns out it was the local FBI agent

Despite her thinking she’s mature, she’s clearly not because 1. She has to pretend she’s 23, and 2. She’s only thinking about herself and not the potential consequences of the other person. Her response that she’s mature for her age really means she’s trying to mentally justify her actions, but incapable of considering (or doesn’t care about) the consequences of recipient.

dodged the register


No way this wasnt some weird bait or something.. right?

It was a sting

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You’re still a minor

The SWAT team outside just all hung their head in disappointment and left silently.

Nah bruh she ain’t 17. She is way younger than that.

The obvious legality issue here completely aside, anyone of *any* age who lies about it is not worth talking to.


Nice try FBI

She might not even be 17, that’s the last year of being a minor so an even younger person might pick that age as a way of fessing up to being one without fully admitting to how much more she fudged her age.

bro thats a cop

Police aren’t going to agree. Good thing she told you before something illegal happened.

You handled that very well. She’s lucky you are one of the good ones.

I also thought I was mature for my age and in hindsight the guys I was hanging out with at 16/17 were absolute creeps.

She will thank you later!

👏 good on ya for ending it right there. 

One comment that mostly works is : ” OK remember how you were 3 years in the past. Remember how you were 5 years in the past.”

Most teens answer with : ” horribly stupid, cringe etc”

Then : ” in 3 or 5 years from now, you will remember this day, yourself right now, and it will be the same feeling like you just described. And that is true for all your life. Every day you realize what a moron you were 5 years in the past.

And it is like that, because we learn new things every day, every week, every month and every year. “

“mature for your age” is the catchphrase of guys hitting on minors.

It’s legal

“I’m mature for my age” is ridiculous.

I’m mature for my age, more like it’s a trap

Vitaly is on the other end

First of I agree that teenagers are not kids but the fact that she is lying about her age when the guy clearly wants none of that is pathetic ngl. Stay away from such people even if she was 20

“I’m mature for my age”

Obviously not mature enough to know that the law doesn’t care.

Anyone that says they’re mature for their age are absolutely NOT mature for their age. What 30 year old is telling her that?

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