18 babies are worth less than a cell clump

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Table a ‘Jesus’ bill in congress & mandate churches (of any religion) who oppose abortion to be taxed to fund those babies’ expenses. Anyone who opposes it can be labeled as ‘anti Jesus’

The problem with these people is it’s not about facts and reasoning it’s just about what makes them feel good in the moment. That’s why it will always go a round and a round there isn’t a solution

Being an American conservative seems so easy they really have gamed the system. If you’re losing an argument just say no, say random things that sort of make sense or that don’t make any sense at all and eventually in a 1/1000 shot you’ll be right then you win because you say it louder than everyone else and if they rebuttal just say no again.

Remember…..Republicans and Christians are pro BIRTH, not pro LIFE. They refuse to clothe those babies, feed them or take care of them in any shape or form. That’s not LIFE.

It’s becoming clearer they are far more interested in keeping women in their places than actually caring about the life of human beings. It’s out of misogyny, not compassion.

Typical, once the baby is out , fuck him. Its only “important” to them only when its inside.

Now do how many women died.

I told so many people in my state, you will not stop abortions by making them illegal 🤦🏾‍♀️

Not “really stupid”. Just “really stubborn”. Not all MAGAts are uneducated hillbillies. Some of them even understand maths. They’ll just not give you the satisfaction of telling you “Yes, I am anti-choice because I don’t want women to have a choice in the matter, not because I want babies to be cared for” and “I thought forcing women to carry pregnancies to term would make them want to be responsible for the born child [*silently adds* and I guess we’ll just have to create measures to track pregnant women so they can’t abandon babies and are forced to raise them]”.

We have to stop seeing MAGAts as stupid. They are not stupid.

They are stubborn in their will to hurt people who are not like them or do not act like them, even if it means that they get hurt in the process or even if it means double standards and hypocrisy. They do not give a fuck about their image. They do not give a fuck about taking the higher road. They do not give a fuck about seeming/sounding stupid. They want their perfect Y’all-Quaeda world, with freedoms for them and obligations for others. The mental gymnastics are not even a sacrifice to them. Who cares about credibility when you’re getting what you want?

Their god hungers for souls.

Well yeah. It’s forced birth they care about not life after birth.

I wonder how many MAGAs who can’t afford gas lined up to provide $100k plus lifetime care for those babies…

Start a trend of leaving unwanted babies on the doorstep of people with “life begins at conception” signs.

I’m sorry, what the fluffy little kitten? “Seriously complaining about 18”? I’d argue it would be reasonable to seriously complain about one abandoned baby. What sort of person would write something like that?

It’s all about exerting control on others, something the U.S. right love to do, anyone can exert control over a baby, but a pregnant parent to be…..

Eighteen babies that they know about. How many got dumped somewhere and haven’t been found?

My current counter is this:

Our system of government is based on property rights. Anyone who does not have absolute bodily autonomy doesn’t own anything in any meaningful sense. Is this your intent?

1 baby found abandoned is already way too many. There are plenty of ways to give up a child in a safe way, abandoning a child should be an automatic 20 year prison sentence.

They really need to change “pro life” to “pro birth” because these absolutely awful people don’t give a crap about the baby after it is born

Trump claiming that the death penalty is penalty for getting an abortion . So women have no choice , their body with no choice

What about mother deaths?

So remember this leftards, every organism is made by a bunch of cells and so do fetus. Fetus has his/her own DNA which is made his/her a human being.

Before? Before what?

So everyone is fighting for ONE abortion? Starting the argument with numbers and ending it with not numbers is dumb.

“You’re seriously complaining about 18?”

That’s a wild statement that shows how out of touch people are with their emotions and the lack of empathy that exists in humanity.

So, the right is evil for saying don’t kill the baby, but nothing is said about the women who up and deserted an infant.

People who say don’t kill baby=bad

People who straight up leave a newborn unattended and stranded to die= you don’t know her story/ bodily autonomy/ too poor to take care of it etc.

Yal have lost the plot.

We’re all bunch of cell’s.

The 18 are alive.

I mean the parents could have just not fucked right?

Or maybe not having sex is such a herculean task now that they rather fuck then desl with that after.

You can’t with these people they refuse to admit the truth or are actually just too stupid to comprehend the differences

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