1944 – My grandpa, a proud American. Also a Nazi Killer.

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What a badass. He knew how to treat nazis๐Ÿ˜„

Much better than that guy posting a screencap from a Tarantino film. My grandfather also killed Nazis although somewhat indirectly by precisely photographing them from high altitude for them to get the shit bombed out of them then flying over again and photographing the craters – but mostly servicing and maintaining the planes that did those jobs.

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The Greatest Generation

Here is an American hero. Thank you for sharing his photo with us!

79th Lorraine, gramps did some real shit.


Thank you. Fuck Nazis.

Our grandparents are rolling in their graves right now.

I think killing Nazis is a good thing.

Looks good: check.ย 

Kills Nazis: check.

Badass confirmed.

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My grandfather was a machine gunner. He carried such immense guilt about all the men he killed. But also had so much hate for every living German. Weird. But not.

Are you Simon Pegg? Damnโ€ฆ.


๐Ÿซก a true hero ๐Ÿฅน


Never seen the T under the stripes. Do you know what that meant?

These men are heroes

There’s nothing like a dead nazi

The only story my grandfather told me about was them finding a dead Nazi upstream and not being able to drink water from the stream he bleed in. He told us this to keep us from drinking from a creek nearby(we were dumb kids, why would you drink from a dirty creek?)

He was at the battle of the bulge, I know for sure. He didn’t speak about anything else other than the dead Nazi. He had a few medals that my pieces of shit uncles sold off so the only one I can verify is his purple heart.

Your gramps rules

Original Antifa

They’ll hate him soon too.

your grandpa is needed now.

Donโ€™t have a picture right off but my great grandfather survived landing at Normandy, was never really old enough to hear his stories but Iโ€™ve seen his medals and service record, killing Nazis should be natural

Perfect, absolutely perfect

He looks like the lead from Homeland

Better men gone but not forgotten.

Absolute hero and an actual patriot

Also all of my uncles and my father. One was a paratrooper in the 101st Airborne into France. He was proud to be a Nazi killer. Passed that attitude down to about 70+ grand children, grand nieces and grand nephews.

Thank you for sharing your grandpa’s photo and story

Nazi killer and probably took down a few commies too. Badass ๐Ÿ’ช

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