1947: Jewish refugees arrive in Palestine with a banner proclaiming: “The Germans destroyed our families and homes – don’t you destroy our hopes”..

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If you see two fish fighting in water, you can be sure an Englishman passed by five minutes ago

Why didn’t the allies just carve out a piece of Germany and give it to the Jews?

Its in English, this message was PR for the Americans & British

When I’m in a discussing the Israel vs Palestine conflict under any photo related to Jews and my opponent is a fucking r/snapshotHistory commenter:

Man what a sad, sad thing to see, knowing what happened not long after and to the present day.

As a jew I have a lot of sympathy for these refugees who quite literally lost everything. But there were also plenty of radicalized, armed extremist zionist groups and the next however many decades would be absolutely full of armed conflict and terror.

Irgun, Lehi and others were about to unleash some serious terror across the land. A truly insane part of history

Ay my grandmother came to israel in one of those boats when she was just 6! From what she told me they almost managed to escape the war. only at the end her father got taken away to a worker camp where he almost died from being forced to work to death. He got lucky and only lost a leg from frostbite.

And they were sent there by Churchill, the allies and the recently liberated Europe because despite defeating Hitler anti semitism did not die. England established them as an illegal state so they could secure the highly valuable trade route nearby and keep the newly established Arab nations in check and a steady flow of oil. Along with keeping “those jews” out of England, America and much of Europe.

How ironic.

The genocided became the genociders. Happens more than you think unfortunately.

Oh great the daily Palestine post

The truth is, the Nakba was a consequence of the 47/48 war which was ultimately declared by the Arabs. As it turns out, wars have consequences, especially when you’re on the losing side.

Had the Arabs accepted the Partition plan, then expulsion of the Palestinians would not have happened. The population would have lived in the newfounded Israeli state.

Edit: OP decided to play moderator and blocked me so I can’t respond to any of the messages below. Apologies!

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Poor bastards hated wherever they are.

The chosen ones indeed

History is unbelievable honestly. This place is a magic sim driven by human energy thoughts and emotion.

Here before locked

What a post.

End of the diaspora. Back to the homeland.

…then, they turn millions of Palestinians into refugees and refuse to let them return to their homes. Ironically, even a person from China, Africa, or India is free to move to Israel by [converting to judaism!](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Return#:~:text=Those%20who%20immigrate%20to%20Israel,to%20Israel%20and%20claim%20citizenship.)

And don’t worry if we do it to the natives.

Good morning Propaganda!

bite the hand that feed you 😒

Then they go on to destroy the lives of every Palestinian there


But but it was promised 😂

No comment of politics.
The european Jewish refugees wrote a banner in English to the people of Palestine?

Was English that far spread in the 40s?

and then, in the time honored tradition of humans everywhere – they proceeded to do exactly to the Palestinians what was done to them

What a horrific time for Jewish people

Important they have a homeland

then the arabs started killing them

Does this sub post anything other than palestine stuff?

Another pro-Hamas post.

Why Israel must live.

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