2 hours? Dudes needs to take out a 2nd mortgage to pay for this.

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Bro chill out, have a hotdog

He is weak. I have done 8hrs once in ikea…

Will somebody please get that man a god damn hot dog?!?!

Nah. She’s SAVING so much money!

Husbands of Costco as a sequel to [Husbands of Target](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7xPrf9f7mg)

In two hours, I think she only picked vegetables

2 hours is still not enough….

You would be surprised how long it takes to shop in Costco when trying to navigate through droves of obtuse fellow shoppers with no sense of spatial or self-awareness.

Sorry, bro.๐Ÿ˜Ÿ

That’s her therapy and it will cost him a maxed out card lmao

That Costco visa bout to be maxed out

Two hours is only the food section. Heโ€™s gonna have to wait until they close.

โ€ฆ.2hours!? She probably left his dumbass there

I would go buy a 24 pack of beer and then just spend the rest of the time in the car. Maybe pick up a slice of pizza too.

costco trips hit different lol. dudeโ€™s out here paying with his soul while sheโ€™s in the snack aisle.

Tell her there is a sale on in Target. Problem solved.

Two hours in Costco? Sheโ€™s probably still stuck sampling the frozen pizzas.

Like wives are the only ones who dissappear into Costco!

Costco trips hit different stay strong, brother!

What dude doesnโ€™t like Costco?

Peak boomer humor.

Hahaha retail therapy my fat wife sucks.

Go back to Facebook if you wanna post boomer memes

Only 2 hours in costco? Speedy family.

The line to check out alone is easily two hours these days, even at 1 PM on a week day.

Not homeless, yet.

I would have gone home an hr ago and told the wife to call when she’s done.

Bro this is nothing when they go to JC Penny, Macys, Dillards lol

And that’s just in the checkout line.

Pffftโ€ฆwith a mobile phone and a Reddit account, thatโ€™s a minor respit from the drudgery of mega salesโ€ฆ

He should have gotten in line for gas. He’d almost be fueled up by the time she got out.

Update: gonna need to change that 2 to a 4 and cross out the first line

I’ve seen this guy’s stuff on the internet. Nfi what his name is but his reels pop up every now and then. His whole thing is the lame boomer style “don’t wives suck” stuff.

She’s probably just waiting on her pizza

“We hit 4 figures at 73 minutes she’s on cart 2 and just walked into the TV section. My phones’ out of battery and I need to report our visa stolen before she gets to the checkout line, but we have time. The line will take at least 35 minutes and she always hits the freezer section last.”

Went to Costco to get tires changed. Gf wanted to come. I joked to a coworker that it’d be a $300 tire change. Was nearly 500.

Maybe she wouldn’t need 2+ hours if he was helping with the grocery shopping.

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