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Yeah, he’s turning out to be a real Edison, in all the worst ways.

The shock drones will be government subsidized too, they‘re electric after all.

Don’t worry. The Tesla bot would actually just explode/catch on fire before it got around to shocking you.

No kidding, I’ve had people tell me “he’s making billions and can get any woman he wants! Isn’t that winning at life? How can you hate that? Have YOU made rockets?”

This image is probably giving Elon a hardon right now

When I was in college a friend of mine (electrical engineer) was obsessed with Elon because of the hyperloop project. To get under his skin my roomate and I started joking that Elon was a super villian like Lex Luthor. We thought it was hilarious at the time, but it is no longer funny to me…

Side Note: For those of you who don’t remember there was a period of time where it *SEEMED* like Elon was a super innovative and technically gifted. He also wasn’t nearly as problematic a decade ago as he is now. Said friend has long since denounced Elon

I was going to ask why she had an extra manacle/restraint around her neck when the dude didn’t and then I remembered what timeline we’re in. 🙁

Elon went from the Henry Ford of our generation (inspirational) to the Henry Ford of our generation (derogatory)

Don’t blame me, *I* voted for Kodos.

Ah yes, it’s always those alpha sigma gigachad shit kids who admires Elon as if he’s fking Jesus Christ.


We can’t expect God to do all the work
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Alpha? Like the early version of a male, before testing, bug-fixes, and necessary updates. Unstable, unreliable, erratic, and certainly not suitable for release to the general public.


And the Tesla taser bot™ is actually just a guy in a suit.

We’re enslaved!

Yeah but you never thought you’d be enslaved *on Mars* did you?


Like that feckless dick-weasel could muster enough useful sycophants to conquer the world.

Please stop giving them new ideas! God knows they can only steal them!

Someone tell the cartoon version of Pizzacake to clobber that idiot repeatedly for me next time, thank you.

The drones will continue shocking until morale improves.

Chains? I would have assumed his [Neural enslavement chips](https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/elon-musks-neuralink-has-implanted-its-first-chip-in-a-human-brain-whats-next/) would have been finished by then, and become mandatory for everyone not obeying Trumpmurica laws.

As I heard someone say defending his actions the other day: “Yeah, he’s autistic, you can’t blame him for that.”

Hey at least he will be solving the world overpopulation problem by sending people to die by the millions colonizing Mars.

Inaccurate. The drone didn’t explode

The brain chips hide the pain!

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