25.12.2024 Russian massive missile attack on Ukraine at Christmas night

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This missile attack targeted energy, water and gas infrastructure. During the attack, one of the missiles flew into the airspace of Moldova and Romania to bypass Ukraine’s air defense.

According to preliminary data, as of 12:00 (local time), 113 air targets were confirmed to have been shot down:

– 0/2 KN-23 ballistic missiles;

– 0/10 S-300/S-400 anti-aircraft guided missiles;

– 55/62 Kh-101, Kh-55cm, Caliber cruise missiles;

– 4/4 Kh-59/Kh-69 guided aircraft missiles;

– 54(+52) out of 106 Shahed strike UAVs/simulator drones of various types.

Another 52 drones did not reach their targets (lost in location) (EW-jammed).

Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Ahh, yes. Russia, the country of christian family values.

absolutely barbaric

Remind us again why Ukraine shouldn’t be launching long range missile strikes inside Russia again?

Jeez ! [Even the Germans and the French in World War 1 stopped for Christmas](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_truce)

Just Russia reminding everybody how awful they are

where did you get this photo?

There is a hell and it’s called Russia

Jan 7th should be fun then.

Oh man ! Atleast let the common people celebrate Christmas !

George Washington right now:


The Russian sycophants are out in force today. Shame and a plague upon you all b

If you have to question who the good guy is here ask yourself which country bombed the other on fucking Christmas.

1: war has no rules for people trying to win

2: George Washington was murdering bitches on Christmas too, an no one bats an eye



Fuck Putin

The one day of the year where children living in the country are able to smile

THE ONE DAY and they still strike

sick fucking people at work and the ones defending it

Why don’t they fly straight? Are they hugging hills to avoid radar?

I’m starting to think Russia might be the bad guys here

Russia and Israel like to make hell for people on this earth. Maybe these places need to go in 2025.

The map shows where the flights came. Light ’em up.

pure evil

Putin is a bitch.

inb4 Russian bot accusations fly at anyone with any kind of non pro NATO stance

Fuck Putin

Down with fascist Putin

Russians are disgusting for this. They just confirm that it’s a nation without morals or anything sacred. My heart is with poor Ukrainians who have to celebrate the sacred holidays in hiding places.

Society in Ukraine has been shifting to celebrating Christmas on December 25th for decades now. The recent governmental decree officially changing the day of Christmas is just a response to that shift, but it’s been happening since way before the war.

The majority of Ukrainians celebrate on the 25th. Many celebrate on the 6th/7th of Jan and many celebrate both.
A lot of people seemed confused in the comments so here you go

Just *knew*. Just *knew* they would do it and still hoped that maybe, MAYBE, there’d be a shred of dignity in the holiday.


Fuck these guys.

String them up by the lightposts.

My country got bombed today too. Solidarity with Ukrainians. People deserve peace.

Christmas in Ukraine is on 7th of January

Seriously everyone saying that Putin proposed a ceasefire for Christmas needs to look at the source. Hungary’s leader is a Putin puppet and is a bad faith actors to trying to negotiate for Ukraine. Basically he says he’s trying to help, but is harming them long term to enable Russia.Hes tried this before. And saying Ukraine declined now makes Ukraine look bad, when that conversation may never have happened. Hungary has no business in this fight but keep getting involved like a green tea bitch.

The world needs to get rid of this fuckin terrorist state.

Nuke the fking kremlin

To me this whole subreddit epitomises group-think… the comments make me want to puke.

Putin is true Judas. A traitor to christianity

Someone curb stomp putler 

Fuck ruZZia

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