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Drywall vs WALL🧱

The first picture represents punching drywall, which is what most american houses have. It’s a costly and ultimately pointless endeavor but mostly harmless. The second picture illustrates what happens when you punch an actual wall.

[Maybe this helps illustrate it.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/sB-P8HnkvKo)

someone in my family broke a bone in their hand doing this ( I live in Europe). He lied to the doctors about how he did that but the doctor immediately knew by looking at the radiography that he punched a wall lol.

European walls are made out of bricks and concrete, not thoughts and prayers, so punching them can only break your hand, not the wall.

It‘s harder

Never made sense to me why you’d use dry wall in places with hurricanes and earthquakes and bricks/concrete in places with hardly any natural disasters.

And the doors in the US?? Thin layer of whatever it is that seems to break from a kick?

Still some scars left…

If you punch a wall in the US: you will win.

If you punch a wall in Europe: the wall will win.

Walls (both internal and external) in Europe are made of brick with a thin layer of board which you paint onto. Even apartments in Europe that have drywall have much thicker and harder drywall than most American homes.

A lot of American houses are made of paper, despite being a country with fairly extreme weather

Germany has some of the mildest weather going, but even the interior walls on their houses are like 20cm of brick and concrete

In Europe walls are actually walls made with bricks and plaster than tougher than your dad was. In US they make walls out of drywall and paper and maybe some glass, which are all not that tough materials known to man. You can actually puncture the US wall with minimal damages to yourself for this reason. If you do this to a European wall, well, your hand will feel sloppier than you remember and some bones may be intact but out of place best case scenario.

American walls are generally made to be cost effective. European walls are generally made to withstand bombs/air strikes.

Brazilians punching their wall (they use concrete instead of plaster):
comment image

now that’s a Khyleri I’ve never seen before!

There are lots of over generalizations in the comment section. Yes, America uses wood and drywall a lot on construction. Wood is extremely strong and can be treated to last longer. It is also renewable and abundant (in some regions). Some regions in the US often do use brick. Wood and drywall also allow for additions and changes to homes as Americans live in many single family homes. There is also the consideration of climate control, which depends on where you live, the materials will affect that. Lastly, there is a strong misconception that homes in US are not built well. This depends on who built it and the methods and less about the material. Many homes also have brick foundations.

P.S. To anyone who thinks brick or other materials are better in a hurricane or tornado simply has no understanding of how power and devastating those storms are.

Europeans have real walls. We have fake walls that make us look like super humans when we send our fists or feet through them.

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Guess I’m just build different (European)

This one’s easy!
American’s are strong and will break their walls. Europeans are weak and will only break their hands.

(^It’s a joke, the real reason was already explained)

Hi Handyman José here.
Houses built in the US of A are generalized to be built with one layer of plasterboard as wall surfaces.

Meanwhile European Houses are generalized to be built with more sturdy materials like; Concrete, Bricks, timberframes, etc.

American walls are typically made of drywall or soft wood, painful but feasible to punch through.

Europeans walls and really just walls in the rest of the world, are real walls made of stone, concrete, and bricks, try punching one and seeing what happens.

Murica make house out of cardboard and sandy mix. Europe uses hardwoods or reinforced concrete

we build our houses with bricks

European walls aren’t made of papier-mâché, so if you punch them your hand will break before you so much as scratch the wallpaper.

When my friend (were European) hit a wall while drunk he ended up with broken bones in his hand and 1.5 month sick leave from work

u/satokibi did the art too or just the meme?

American walls are basically just paper mache, most European walls are stone, concrete or wood

Although my house is made out of bricks, the inside wall is fabricated with plaster plates and there is rockwool between the bricks and the plaster. 90% of the brick houses over here(The Netherlands) are made like that.

In parts of Europe their walls are made with bricks.

And suddenly my Boxer’s Fracture just flared up seeing this. 😖


Americans are literally the first two little pigs, and Europeans the third little pig

It’s not true. Scandinavia, UK, Benalux and sometimes France uses inner walls with drywall like US.

American walls are hollow

European walls are actually made of bricks

As a European I was always confused about walls in (American) movies. I thought they were all props, fake walls for cinema decors since they were so easily broken.

Nope. Y’all just have paper walls when the rest of the world builds with bricks and mortar. Especially weird considering you guys are generally more subject to tornados than us Europeans.

European homes are made of brick and concrete, not wood.

Cardboard wall x Actual wall made of stones and cement

US homes are clowned on for being like paper fake houses bc they have a ton of drywall. Second image is the pain of when you actually punch a hard wall (more common in Europe and other countries)

To be fair, it doesnt matter WHO punches the walls, its more like WHERE these walls are.

I wanna run through a European wall like Koolaid man

American walls are held together with cum and paper, European walls are made with sturdy bricks

lol I broke a bone in my wrist, hand and fractured a finger bone by punching my UK home wall

Yeah but you can’t hang stuff on those concrete walls unless you wanna drill permanent holes into them.

*insert video of mike the situation slamming his head against the wall in italy*

That’s the effect of foam wall vs a concrete wall 💀💀

It can be worse in case of a head slam 😂😂

Yeah, I live in Poland. Once I punched a wall in anger and broke my hand. Don’t recommend

Our walls are made of wall


BTW, in Norway/Sweden we have similar construction to the USA as does Canada and Australia. I guess we are all inferior together. And unlike Germany, we’ve had heat pumps for many years, it’s not a new major national move to switch – we already have it.

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