3 minute hack

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kids are overusing the word ‘hack’. there are no more real hacks these days.

A substantial portion of online discussion is people believing they just discovered a thing that’s been around for thousands of years.

Having crops in gardens is nice. Was great during the pandemic.

[Relevant David Mitchell bit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pDTiFkXgEE)

They aren’t claiming they discovered it. They realized that it’s a lot easier than they thought it was. Onions and garlic are two of the lowest effort, lowest risk things to grow.

Wait til they discover that this applies to all vegetables and fruits.

[anon discovers agriculture]comment image)

“big garlic doesn’t want you to know this”

I’ve got garlic patches ongoing now for like 7 years.  Every year I end up with more to eat and more to plant for the next year.  Gardening should be taught in school

Don’t reinvent the wheel

They did just discover agriculture

The more i see of the internet the more I believe that AI will never be able to replace that level of idiocy

I tried this. Planted like 30 bulbs in the fall and in the spring… nothing. But the squirrels looked extra fat!

Like good idea and all, but why garlic?? If I’m gonna spend time growing I’m gonna grow something that’s either super expensive to buy or tastes much better when I grow it (like tomatoes or strawberries). Not some commodity like garlic.

I tried this same hack but with a PS5. Needless to say after half a year I still hadn’t grown any more PS5s. Maybe agriculture is just not my thing.

It takes longer than 3 minutes to grow garlic though, right?

Fun fact: did you milk comes from cows? And chocolate milk from brown cows?

Everyone dreams of gardening until the actual work starts. They’ll be buying garlic at the store within days. 

Better than the “hack” about wearing a hoodie backwards and eating chips out of the hood. Supposedly that would save you from using a snack bowl or whatever. But now you’ve got a dirty, greasy hoodie you have to wash. How is doing laundry easier than quickly hand washing a bowl?

Patent it quick! You’ll be rich! This could change the world.

It’s not really their fault for being unaware.
It’s by design.
A lot of times doing ordinary gardening is illegal
And we aren’t given the ability to learn about it for the most part.
Blame big corporations

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