3 useless super powers

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Invisibility in the dark could come in useful sometimes

1 second of super strength could lead to a great career as an NFL lineman at least… depending how often you could use it. But pancaking the guy in front of you every time would be a solid ability even if you’re useless afterwards.

Turn on 75% levitation and all your back pain is gone.

How long is the cooldown for 1 second super strength?

Trash can detection isnโ€™t useless (unless itโ€™s only within sight

And neither is control remote controls (unless you need to touch them)

Invisibility in the dark isn’t useless, it’s just highly specialized.

Super slow motion could be very useful. If youยดre falling, just use super slow motion and land softly on the ground.

75% levitation, outrun everyone and become the fastest human to ever exist

1 second of super strength is plenty if you use it right. Like you could use explosive force initially and let inertia carry the hit, or mimic Bruce Lee’s one inch punch.

Or revive insects could be useful in a fight if used right or with proper preparation

Control remote controls and trash can detection is useful

Revive insects, carpet bomb them on NK kidnap Kim Jon im save the ppl

Levitation, I could walk on water

Honestly, I think communicating with fruits could be quite useful. Give your friend an apple and ask them to hold it for you. At the end of the day, ask for it back and ask the apple if your friends talk behind your back or not.

Also, one second of super strength isn’t useless in a fist fight.

Communicating with fruits would be useful as hell if you’re gay.

1 second super strength would be so good in boxing

Revive insects

Idk man, invisibility in the dark could be extremely handy in some cases.

75% levitation means i can carry anything since i can make my hands levitate.

Invisibility at night if it includes NOD, and IR detection….

I donโ€™t remember choosing, but I definitely have instant baldness, abnormal (body) hair growth, and desaturation (since Iโ€™ve moved further north, so that was my choice actually)

Super slow motion would be insanely useful. It would be like dead eye in red dead 2

1. What constitutes as darkness? Like how much light needs to be renoved from an area to activate the power?

2. What does desaturation do?

3. Hair growth, 1 sec strength, idk

%75 levitation, invisibilty in dark and 1 second of super strenght = a ninja that can move easily and undetected in dark can one shot anyone.


No way invisibility in the dark is useless

Invisibility in the dark still is kinda goated.

I’d love to revive bugs the troll potential is immense.

And one second of super strength could be enough to save your life or oneshot someone.

If timed rightly ,

one second of super strength can change history and wars

Reviving extinct insect

Absorbing bad luck (provided u don’t have to go thru it)

Are golden.

Invisibility in the dark means uv cameras can’t detect you at night either? Huge if so

Read your own mind ?????? Bro what is this ???

1 second of super strength is absurdly op. Sure, you could lift a car and get crushed shortly thereafter. Or you could use it to flip the car outright. You’s have to time it’s use pretty precisely, but to say a oneshot is useless is incorrect

Nobody is talking about the hat??? What’s going on

Revive insects? Congratulations, you saved the entire beekeeping industry and have become a millionaire.

I communicate with *fruits* all the time. Itโ€™s literally one of the reasons I come to Reddit. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Invisibility in the dark, control remote controls, and desaturation.

Trash can detection in Japan would be quite useful. Join that with public bathroom detection, and you’re ready for Tokyo.

I think all of us already has most of these superpowers we just don’t know it yet.

bullet attraction, turn into a laptop forever, and control remote control. Time to be a poltergeist.

For being invisible in the dark and levitating 75%, are these permanent effects or abilities that I can use whenever? And for the 1 second of speed, is it a one time use or can I use it in short bursts?

75% levitation is awesome when hiking or climbing since you will not fall that easily. You will be less likely to trip and sustain an injury due to the ability to slow yourself down mid-fall.

Read your own mind got me..

I could make absorb bad luck work. Have a buddy play a game of chance and take his bad luck

bullet attraction is actually useful. just haul the guy that has the power around in a bulletproof case or some armor and just use him as a way to keep bullets away from people you don’t want to get shot. logically that means you can’t use guns either but having shootouts devolve into a melee skirmish would be funny.

Seems to me that talking to fruit could be profitable. You would be in high demand for farmers.

Control remote controls, revive insects and 1 sec super strength

Does desaturation come with the N-word pass?

How dark is dark, because a moonlit night is still considered dark so thatโ€™s pretty good.

Also one second of super strength could be crazy, assuming I can just activate it on command do it right before your about to hit something

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