300 hours in, didn’t finish the story once. Who’s with me?

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The Authentic Larian Fort Joy experience

345 and I’m… close? I could? If I wanted to? Just reached that point where I have to decide “do everything I can on this run” or “save something for a ‘later’ that may not materialise.”

Do you spoiler yourself regarding the 3rd act and the ending(s)? I just wouldn’t have been able to play for this long without finding out what happens in the story, even the side quests. Try to finish it at least once, you won’t regret it!

Hooow 😱 i have 540h, and 5 finished playthroughs and 2 more in act 3.

My first save I explored everything and got everything except the owlbear cub (due to not long resting enough, because I thought the parasite would get more dangerous)

In act 2 I missed the quest with the ledger, but did everything else.

Act 3 I missed the newspaper quest, bit everything else (to my knowledge) was completed!

That save was around 120h.

I can finish a playthough doing all quests/side activities in about 40-60h when I skip certain cutscenes/dialouges.

BSG3 gives me the worst restartitis

will i get downvoted if i say i finished it in 180 hours?

Btw. I would love to replay it, but my only Problem i have is my Potato Pc Laptop, runs the game very slow even on low graphics, like 20-30 fps, and i don’t have the space at the moment to even play it.

Y’all have major commitment issues, don’t you? Lol just finish something for once

I can get behind the overwhelming feeling once we get to Act 3. I just got there in this 2nd playthrough but I already feel like creating new char lol

Jesus. I finished the story in less than half that time and I took my time. Incredible game.

295.9 hours played, 290 hours of it is spent in character building screen

There’s an end?!

What are you guys doing all those hours? At some point everything has been killed and done in a run. Are you restarting constantly?

Lots of mental health issues at play in this comment thread

800 hours, beat it 6 times? Once with honor.

964 hours, finished 3 times

I get the people who lose interest and stop but I’ll be honest there is a cadre of players in every single player game who think it’s somehow a virtue or it makes them interesting to not have finished the game. It’s the same in Skyrim. Look how quirky I am etc.

It’s a quest and an experience like any other in the game. There’s no reason to intentionally avoid doing it.

Nah, actually I’m against you. “aCt tHrEe iS sO oVErWhELmiNg” shut up. It’s a huge city and it’s *meant* to be overwhelming. It’s *meant* to have all the story threads you’ve been following up to that point converge and resolve. The cognitive dissonance of claiming to love the story and characters and then not giving a shit about how it ends/what happens to them is unreal.

Wait, you can leave Act 1?

What. Why?

I finished my first playthrough in 50 hours or so

556 hours… Didn’t finished the story. Not once.


Still haven’t beaten the story.


Yeah, 200 hours in. I just lose interest and then start over.

Beat it in 130 hours. Great game. Will probably revisit in 5+ years 🙂

What is the obsession with the # of hours people have? Do all games track that these days?

I’m so confused by this. I have 400 hours in, and I’ve finished it 4 times. But I have friends who have like almost 1000 in and still have never finished the game. How do y’all not complete it? Like I can’t stand to leave a game unfinished, it’ll hang over my head forever!

174 and finished one and soon finishing two others… I’m not with you

The third act bogged me way the fuck down

Funnily enough I just defeated the netherbrain

I just checked Steam. I’m 356.4 hours in and I haven’t beaten the story either. The thing is though I don’t want to beat it. I don’t want the story to be over. It’s such a great game that I’m worried about how disappointed I’ll be after I finally beat it. I guess that’s just part of the experience though right? I’ll beat it eventually, I just want to savor it.

there is some great stuff towards the end, but also that gutting feeling of loss thats its actually over.

300 hours? Rookie numbers.

I got the owl bear cub without killing the mom. Is that normal???

I have 290 hours in skyrim and dont even have “finish 10 sidequests” achievements. I get that feeling

Yup, 4 characters, 2 of them 90 hours in, one 40 hours, one 30 hours.

No? If I buy an rpg game I might restart once or twice in the first couple of hours to make character changes but I actually like completing a game i spent 60 bucks on lol.

Once I reached 500 hours, I gave my Olympian Berserker Bhaalspawn his glory bloody end. If not for that ending, I would’ve never beat the game. Got like 15 characters I’m pacing through right now.

You guys are crazy. How does you not finish at least once?

This is me. I get late into Act III and usually restart after House of Hope. I always have a new idea I can’t wait to try out (and level 12 is God mode combined with all those items).

What? Why? How? Lol it would drive me insane

Unpopular opinion but this isn’t a flex. Finish the game.

596h playtime, seen act 3 twice, still haven’t finished the story.

900+ hours in and I’m in the middle of act 2 🤣 Maybe I should start another playthrough and try a new build? 😜🙃

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never finished and at least 10 characters created

Im with you. Starting new characters is too fun and Im afraid to finish game.

Same. Took me until 2021 to finish the Dragonborn DLC – and im 3000+ hours into Skyrim.
BG3 will be the same i think

I got to probably like 400 hours ish before I finished my first completed playthrough (which was about 260 hours)

Yeah same. I usually get overwhelmed halfway through act 3 and start over.

Makes me feel better. 90+ hours in and havent finished chapter 1 😀

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