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faceballs soap best soap

Have you tried washing your skin with his balls?

Stop using 1000 skin care products daily. Simple as pissing…

The make up industry has successfully convinced you that you have to use dozens of products because you are not perfect and that only their products will solve the problem

congrats, you fell for bullshit business

Wear his skin as a mask

Wearing makeup throughout the day that clogs your pores and prevents your skin from being able to breathe definitely has nothing to do with it.

Quit immersing your skin in chemicals.

Your bf eats well, you on the other hand haven’t drank water in the past two days.


It’s the ball secretions mixed with the soap that gives us such perfect skin

There’s the problem: girls don’t buy ball soap.

There is such a thing as too much care


Silky smooth

Lots of make-up and make-up remover products are terrible for the skin. It’s why there are so many mid 20 somethings that look 40. They use the terrible products and have used them since they were in the single digits.

Water, just water and balls

Don’t worry both textures are both tasty

It’s almost like all those products create dependancy and weaken the skin

Skin care products are just ruining our natural skins so stop using skin care products

It’s almost as if.. Using a bunch of fancy chemicals in your hygiene routine is bad for your skin…

guys using their car shampoo for their body

Which brand is it, asking for my balls

maybe rub some balls on your face for the same effect

Your genetic make-up(DNA) plays a large roll in everything when it comes to your body.

Your bf probably has better genes than you do.

It’s the shit makeup

If only women would realize that the hormons have a lot to do with the skin. And wearing makeup AND all those damned chemicals they think will help them the makeup industry keeps selling does NOT help in any shape or form. Water is enough and if you want soap.

because you don’t need a skin routine

Men don’t wear makeup, but women do… I wonder if it’s not the soap?

Maybe it’s from putting 10 different chemical mixtures on your vulnerable skin

Men’s skin is typically 20–30% thicker than women’s

I am a man with long hair. I have had women tell me they would kill for my hair. “It’s so lush, so shiny, what do you use?”

They always get mad when I say Pert plus shampoo and conditioner in one

Why is my hair healthy? **BECAUSE I LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE** I DONT FRY IT PUT DOZENS OF PRODUCT IN IT I don’t use gel or moose or anything. I wash it, and I brush it, and I dry it with.a towel. Yeah it may still be damp for an hour but who fucking cares?

Your skin is fried because you put make up on and strip it off. Your hair is fried because you blowdry and style it, god forbid if you bleach it.

Fuck’s sake.

Listen ladies, stop putting so much stuff on your face and it won’t be that way

I mean yea, it’s cause yall cake your face in 30 pounds of make up everyday. Its terrible for your skin and can clog your pores.


I’m a guy but still

Use his balls as your soap problem solved

I think the products are apart of the reason people who do this stuff look like that. Their body gets dependent on it and freaks the fuck out when they don’t use it for a single day

Guys, it’s just a meme! 😂 You all are taking it too seriously by telling OP to stop using things on their face.

Have to keep your internal body moistened.


Less is more

Drink more water?

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