34m Butler with high school diploma

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Enough to get your own butler.

Iโ€™m 33 and shiiiiit Iโ€™ll be a butler with you for this type of pay

Do you have health insurance?


are you bluffing us?

So the most asked thing is about Hours. You can see I made a huge amount of my money in OT. So I get paid a โ€œsalary.โ€ In that, I get paid for 40 hours no matter what. But we log all hours and I get paid OT for anything over 40 a week. I also travel with the boss, and when we travel I get paid 24 hours a day, so if we spend a week somewhere, I get 40 normal hours and 128 OT hours for the week. Itโ€™s where I make the big bucks. Otherwise I work 45-55 hour weeks, with standard two days off and regular 8-10 hour days. Sometimes a little longer, sometimes a little shorter. My first year I actually worked way more than that and renegotiated for less hours and more money, which they gave happily. I love my bosses, they are nice, they genuinely care about the staff and their wellbeing, and in turn everyone works hard for them to make sure they are happy and stress free. Thatโ€™s my job in a nutshell, handle the little bullshit that happens in every person daily life, which is amplified when you own multiple homes, cars, antiques, art, have a stressful job and do so to keep their lives stress free And happy.

I have time for a normal life, and normal dating although no I do not have kids. And I do end up traveling a fair amount between work and personal so I disappear for a week or two sometimes, but not enough that my friends think Iโ€™m gone, I just travel for work.

To the few people that think no rich person would spend this much on staff. You are mistaken. Paul Allen had 120-140 person family office before he died(his office was called Vulcan Enterprises too which is awesome cause that was what their paychecks would be received from) when he died that office building in Seattle was bought by Bezos who now runs his similiar sized family office called Bezos Expeditions out of it. If someone is worth 10 billion letโ€™s say, and they are making a paltry 4% a year on the worth, thatโ€™s 400m a year. So they spend $10 million a year on staff. Thatโ€™s 2.5% of a huge amount of money. If you are making $100k a year, 2.5k is not too bad to have a personal assistant/butler/laundress/maintenance/gardeners/accountants.

Lastly, yeah I am very happy, I make incredible money, way better than I made at one of the best restaurants in the world, with arguably better hours than I had at that restaurant. I get healthcare, I get an amazing house to live in for free. I donโ€™t need a 401k because I make enough to save for my own retirement. And I get to travel around the world, last year I visited Italy and France multiple times, Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, England/Scotland, and a bunch of US States. I got to go to the Super Bowl and saw the Northern Lights twice. Iโ€™m very happy to have made it here on a high school diploma after running myself into the ground in restaurants thinking I was a character in an Anthony Bourdain Anthology.

Imagine being so rich you pay someone 400k a year to to handle the mundane tasks of life for you? What do you do like laundry and errands and shit ๐Ÿ˜‚

Do you have to be handsome or beautiful to be a butler? Thank you.

You get paid that much to buttle???

Wow what an interesting career option with great pay. Thanks for sharing! Had no idea what butlers are paid.

No wonder Carson was so uptight.


OP is obviously very good at what they do.

What Redditors need to realize is this: always work for someone that sees money as a commodityโ€ฆplentiful. Said differently: work for someone that doesnโ€™t worry about the flow of money.

When you work for someone that sees money as a lack, scarce resource you wonโ€™t get bonuses, any raises will be hard to come by.

How often do you have to see old people naked in your day to day?

How do I become a butler?

What country??

What expenses are incurred

I should do private nursing. Holy fucxc

Do you have any work life balance? Not trying to be shitty, genuinely curious.

please, tell us (me) how lol.


I thought this was a joke at first until I started reading OPs replies. This is pretty bad ass.

Iโ€™ve worked as a production and a personal assistant in the music industry for quite awhile now (15 years), and Iโ€™m very good at it. Along with a plethora of hospitality experience. Would love to figure out how to take my skills and do something like this.

Very cool!

(Not sure why this got downvoted, but cool!)

fucking awesome…

Where do I sign up? My whole life has been chores ๐Ÿ˜‚

He says heโ€™s a butler, but after reading, sounds more along the lines of executive assistant. Far more responsibilities than a butler.

Excuse me?

Give me some tips. I ve been applying last 6 months no freaking respond from anywhere.

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