$4.6 billion and 40,000 jobs lost—thanks to the artistry of our politicians.

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And Elon is trying to get rid of the IRS… I wonder why? 🤔

How does one get to owe the IRS seven billion US dollars?

Mercer is a schmuck he was behind brexit cmabridgey analytica

We put people in jail for not mowing their lawn

Not exactly shocking, is it? When you spend years pushing a ‘you’re not welcome here’ vibe, don’t be surprised when people take the hint and spend their money elsewhere. $4.6 billion and 40,000 jobs down the drain—thanks, xenophobia!

Wasn’t that part of the 2021 settlement?

Stole billions of dollars, doesn’t want to give any of it to anyone.

That’s not a man, that’s a dragon, and needs done with what happens to dragons classically

Start making IRS data Public all together.

I can’t even wrap my head around that number.

Did our politicians major in economic sculpture? Asking for 40,000 of my closest unemployed pals.

Our justice system is pay-to-win. Always has been. Insert astronaut meme.

Both quotes are untrue lol

Wesley Snipes owed them less than 10 million. And he went to jail.

Does the US actually put people in jail for missed parking tickets??

More proof that the rules don’t apply to the ultra wealthy. Only us peons

This is the amount he owes AFTER negotiations.  This is the amount both sides agreed to as a settlement. 

Aka he actually owes way fucking more than this amount had he just paid his taxes like he is supposed to.

We ruined the lives of 40,000+ people for half of what we could’ve gotten by making one loser pay his taxes. smh

now do Al Sharpton

This was a long, drawn out case involving a company, not an individual, and was settled in [2021.](https://www.businessinsider.com/robert-mercer-james-simons-hedge-fund-renaissance-pay-irs-settlement-2021-9)

And would love a source on jail for unpaid parking tickets with no other contributing factors.


It’s weird that once you are in a specific circle, real finances no longer account for you. The debts are there on paper, but still not really their problem.

Except they don’t…? I’m sure you can find an instance or two of extenuating circumstances but debtor’s prison isn’t a thing anymore. 

Why isn’t that guy in jail?

If democrats gave a fuck about the wealthy dodging taxes then they probably wouldn’t have lost

This is from 2021 and he paid it.

Can’t we just pay a flat 10% tax for federal across the board? No way to reduce your taxes just pay the money and then there would be no need to cut jobs and do what is happening.

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