4.7M? what does he expect from her for that? WTF

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Well , she can retire now.

I wonder if this is just a fake post to motivate her other subscribers to pay more

Some people have so much money they don’t really care how they spend it. Like 5 mil for that guy is probably pocket money. But there’s also lots of poor people that even take loans in order to give money and hopefully get attention from OF models.

But in the case of millions, I’m thinking it’s a rich person.

isnt she the girl i keep seeing on reddit recently about how much shes earned. constant advertising

Fake post to make you subscribe for $5/month.

It’s just tits

Wake up call to all gents:

If you pay substantial amounts to see someone naked, you should reconsider your financial decisions.
OF and all this other stuff is not your friend. These women dont like you, only your money.

Para social relationships basically. Those creators give people the feeling of a real relationship- e.g. by chatting (obviously the subscribers are mostly chatting with an AI or some dude in a low wage country for big creators). It’s honestly kinda sad to use the loneliness of people like that

the existence of onlyfans is a mystery to me. I can’t believe that people are stupid enough to the point of paying for that shit.

She seriously knows one thing. To market herself. Therefore getting more customers.

Probably gets shit on in Dubai

Zoom into the numbers, it’s edited. Two different shades of white.

Let’s guess who the spender is. A tech bro like musk or an oil industry guy from Saudi Arabia?

I’m calling bullshit. This is all just some marketing stunt. Whoever “paid” $4.7 mil is somehow in her circle. Using this to bring in those who normally wouldn’t sub to this shit, to check it out for pure curiosity.

This is screaming absolute scam within a scam, considering the fact that OF is a huge scam to begin with.

I guess its a convenient way for money laundering

Man, this should be adressed as a health issue, in the same way of gambling

People keep saying money laundering, but how? ML is based on taking dirty cash and injecting it into a cash based business in order to wash it and turn it into money they can be deposited into banking systems. The 5 million shown here is already in the banking system. It doesn’t need to be laundered. OF doesn’t allow cash payments.

dummy idiot, lol

He’s probably fucked her regularly. People are just being naive.

These hoes are just high level pro’s in a new wrapping.

Is her boyfriend by any chance a drug dealer using her OF to launder money?

This is not interesting, this is sad as fuck.

LMAO OF models hire virtual agents to manage their accounts for them. So most of the time you’re not talking to the models themselves. 💀

that’s honestly sad. no matter how rich you are.

top OF spender, but bottom of society

My mind goes to money laundering scheme when I see something like this.

Most people, including me, can’t even understand what is like to be REALLY rich. For that guy, 4.7 M is probably less than u$ 470 is for us.

Is her left cheek swollen? Looks weirdly inflated.

This is her pr team flooding reddit with these posts

*Simps gonna simp*

With so much free porn at our fingertips, I cannot fathom why people waste money on OF whores. Unbelievable.

She has a nice body, but what’s so special about this girl that people are paying her millions of dollars? Is she performing magic tricks with her pussy or something? Coming to your house to fuck you? I don’t get it.

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