69 God

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I once worked with a creepy guy who was about 57 years old and was bragging to me about his “young” girlfriend. In my head I imagined a 30 something year old woman as young to a person his age. He goes on to say she’s actually 20. I just nod my head passively as I worked because honestly I don’t give a shit about him, or his braggadocios story, but then he says “yeah I always try to date young girls, oh always at least 18 of course” which felt strange to me. Why did he feel a need to say that??? To me it felt like saying “yeah I like to BBQ, never human flesh tho” like why would you need to make that distinction I thought that was just assumed?? This feels like that moment for Drake.

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Drake taking the diss track to court
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Drake be like “There’s no way niggas was playing Not Like Us that many times”
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Woke up this morning and immediately thought- Drake is a Bitch. All the things going on in my life and that took priority. They are calling him MAGA. Saying his legal team are looking to Make Aubrey Great Again. This man fell off so hard he won’t hit the bottom for at least another 6 months.



I’m still amazed how this is all playing out, this is the lamest thing I’ve ever seen beef related. He better never release another song using his tough guy persona.

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Like I support being petty but, this ain’t even a funny type of petty. Drake just being a baby back bitch about losing I swear.

This stemming from Drake’s belief that he doesn’t think a lot of people actually fucked with the song is hilarious lol

Why you bringing up old shit? -Drake

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Does he really wanna go through the discovery process for his FAN allegations though?

That’s how he ends up getting his own Diddy saga.

There’s no way that out of all the wild things Kendrick has said about this man, that the thing he is mad about is the fact the song has 500 mil streams 🤣

My smart shuffle plays it daily. Sometimes twice a day. I still crank that shit tho.

I mean I streamed it so much my infant child started enjoying it to the point where when it came on and he was crying he would start smiling and bouncing.

Drake gonna take the L on this one lamo

Hey Drake? We’re not slow.

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We should have known right here when you cozying up to Hell’s Angels that this dude really wasn’t like us.

Well gee wilikers Drake I guess that clears you of everything!

Could he sue for that being implied in a song?

[Nobody even got a Sprite]comment image)

So. What is he hoping to accomplish with this? If he wins, it’s gonna be turned around on him; “how many of *your* streams are real” style. Or he loses/gets thrown out of court (more likely) and looks like an absolute crybaby clown.

He is a litigious Maple Minstrel.

the famous actor we once knew is lookin paranoid and now spiralin’

I’m not a lawyer, but I read something written by lawyerly types that said that it’s very very very telling that Kendrick isn’t being sued by Drake for defamation of character in regards to the pedo shit in NLU.

I am a *very* geeky white man, I mainly listen to jazz and prog, and even I bumped “Meet the Grahams” and “Not Like Us” like 1000 times each.

Drake is a hoe but I refuse to accept “69 god” as an insult, 69 is great


Damn sounds like a listing of his credentials to work in the Trump administration.

NLU called Drake gay ?

I seriously haven’t noticed

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