$8 a dozen now and they are silent

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Do you guys not remember “economic anxiety” from 2016? It was always bullshit.

I’m starting to think it wasn’t actually about eggs…

They never did. They just wanted an excuse to be Nazis.

He said he was elected for cheaper eggs, but then said that lowering the cost of groceries was impossible *before he even got started the job*.

So to me it sounds like he’s either incompetent or a liar.

They. Don’t. Care. About. Policy.

They want to be racist and sexist and do anything to enable it.

I really want to ask my estranged family if it was worth “our stock prices”….I know they’ve lost a lot.

MAGA will starve themselves to “own the libs.” Sooner or later, they will eat each other.

Just like they cried about the debt ceiling and now they don’t give a flying fuck again

My local diner is now adding a surcharge for any dishes with eggs. Thanks Trump.

They never cared in the first place. It’s all disingenuous distraction.

No they care but their dear leader just told them it’s Biden’s fault and they fall right in line. It’s just that stupidity and gullibility is endemic in the gop

They moved the goal posts. Now if we can’t afford eggs, we just have to tighten our belts.

American conservatives are narcissistic pricks that complain about every.little.thing. yet try to be a “alpha male” in the same breath. All they do is mull the idealism of a middle school bully and how to play out that immature character to *checks notes* piss off the left. No productivity what so ever, only dismantling any progress. The old saying of one step forward that everyone worked hard for then conservatives come along with that two steps back, only currently is looking like walking up a step ass hill. Too goddamn stupid to figure you are shooting your own foot while the guy you voted for goes for the heart and head. But go off on “winning”…congratulations.

Maybe if congressmen had a salary of twice the average us worker. They might become interested in keeping inflation and prices in check.

Time to send Congress home to their respective states. We can tele-link Congressmen together by setting up a Congressional office in their state legislatures. This makes it difficult and costly for Washington’s special interests and other Washington based groups from interfering with Congress. Congress can meet once a year in DC in joint meetings to discuss budgetary issues. During COVID-19 we proved this could work. Then congressmen can live in their respective district and directly interface with their constituents and understand their concerns.

It’s almost like they don’t have their own opinions and just want a news outlet to tell them what to think.

Pretty soon there will be neuro-link loyalty monitors installed in people’s brains.



(they never did)

Their new excuse is “iT’s OnLY BeEn a MoNTh” despite douche face saying he’d do it day one and also that he hasn’t made a single decision that would have any positive outcome on inflation or price gouging on the shelves. They are not serious people and do not argue, or think, in good faith.

It isn’t being fed to them via the rusko-corporte media feed.

The propaganda is the enemy.

But this cult will pay dearly as the economy crashes 🙂 Can’t wait for more FAFO moments !

All those mysterious drones took our concern for egg prices and they all just disappeared together

$8/doz? Shit, the “cheap” eggs are $11/doz in my area.

According to my mother Dems killed all the birds

They never did

They are blaming Biden still

Maybe the Department of Agriculture, the CDC, and the HHS could possibly collaborate on adding preventative or easing measures? No? -Anyone?- Bueller?

GoPuff Fam subscription gets you $2 per dozen free range eggs guaranteed. I don’t work for them, I’m just a stoner.

Oh, it’s better than that: they DENY that it was EVER an issue, despite their shithead-in-chief making a big deal out of it.

Lying is their go-to move.

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