8 year old Mia beat cancer and attended her first NFL game ❤️

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Hey good on her, hope she had a good time at the game.

God I wish this isn’t the parents idea for clicks and likes.

If this isn’t your kid then you shouldn’t be sharing this online.

That’s really awesome. I can’t imagine if one of my kids had cancer as a child.

The “childhood cancer” seems a bit redundant though.



Nothing like a fan going to an NFL game for the first time 🥲

oh, this is incredible, good health to the baby, congratulations to her on making her dream come true

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Today I learned that cancer is an NFL game…

On a serious note: congratulations Mia! It’ll take a few years before you fully understand that you have probably won the most important battle in your life.

Amazing!! Hell yea! Fck cancer.

Let’s goo

❤️ YAY amazing 👍🏽

You are strong Mia! What an amazing way to celebrate her strength and victory. Go Mia!

out: cancer

in: CTE

Good for her, also picked the best team to be a fan of. Bang bang!

Congrats Mia! Don’t waste a day of your life … live and enjoy every day

Nice to see she’s a 49ers fan, since she beat cancer. As opposed to being a fan of the Browns, given that they don’t beat anyone.

Is this not the picture they used to start a go fund me saying that a Bills fan pushed her down during the game? Then everyone dug into and found out that not only did that not happen, but the go fund me was created before the game started and the parents were just scumbag scammers?

I feel bad for whoever has to carry the sign, its huge


The kids a 49ers fan. Their team is worse than cancer.

Well done Mia! I wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous life.

Omg this is heartwarming.

hail corporate

Too bad she had to go watch the 49ers lose

And she’s a niner ❤️💛

Good on ya kid, enjoy that football game

Bang bang , beat cancer gang!

God bless you

lets gooo little one! Your strong 💪

☁️childhood cancer☁️

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