90’s Legends

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I see pride! I see power! I see a bad ass mudda who don’t take no crap off nobody!

Watched this in school so many times when our History teacher had a hangover.

Always remember… your bones will not break in a bobsled. No… they shatter!

Sanka….ya dead?


Want to kiss my egg?

How about I draw a line down your head so it looks like a butt?

We watched this in elementary school on the last day of school that year. Great day to be alive!


Oh… Webster, Webster AND Cohen.

Feel the rhythm, feel the rhyme!

I havent watched this in … decades really.
What a fantastic feel good movie. Need to watch it again.


Watcha smokin, I’m not smokin…I’m breathing

“I see pride! I see powa!”

Rise and shine, it’s but whippin time

RIP John Candy

Ice?! As in Eskimos and igloos and penguins and ice?! See ya.

“Who is the best pushcart driver in all of Jamaica?”

“You’re lookin at ‘im!”

“So you’ll do it?”


I still get choked up when they wreck the sled and have to walk it over the finish line.

Why are they old!? lol

Ya bad ass mother …

Great movie. Miss my mom

I remember going to see this in the theaters when it released. Such a fun movie.

Kissing an egg, ain’t no style.

Leon ages gracefully that brother looks the same from back in 93



I am feeling very OLYMPIC today!

One of my fav movies. Borrowed this from the library back in the 90s so many times, surprised the vhs still worked

One of the best movies made in the 90s.

head still lookin like a butt xD


Feels like these guys are my cool uncles I haven’t seen for decades.

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