911 calls of a “drone down” in Morris, northern New Jersey

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Police scanner for Morris County

Dispatch 6 makes for a good movie title

I downloaded what I could before the site crashed: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RZR-KDpfbbjM0FC-Kqk9AcKKcpokL5zO?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1RZR-KDpfbbjM0FC-Kqk9AcKKcpokL5zO?usp=sharing)

I also downloaded the associated FB videos: [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-RgGInf7_DM0kyPZsQJqmSrZjuFdbzvu?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-RgGInf7_DM0kyPZsQJqmSrZjuFdbzvu?usp=sharing)

Edit: The footage/images may be from a different event than the police scanner chatter. I will update if I learn anything new.

For those that can’t access the drive link, the videos are from this YT page: https://youtu.be/3sQAlhtVaxI?si=9jXAK3z8TcppAHKz

Sounds like it’s going to be an interesting evening…

bro this is faster than twitter news holy f

Someone needs to take a picture


People should tune in to local police scanners or radio channels of emergency services if they can for this area.

I’m far too high for all of this

Any idea where in that town? I’m close enough that I can go now

This is wild, loving this sub

Listening to the scanner, sounds like the mayor is getting involved?

What the fuck is going on


Recording of the police radio reporting on call

Please add a 150 word comment…

AS cool as this is…the auto mod is on the hunt

Dispatch 6 got abducted. it’s over.

Just heard from Police Dispatch 6 on scanner, “We’re in the woods”

I live in central Jersey. They’re absolutely everywhere tonight. I drove about 15 minutes to get a bite to eat and saw dozens of drones on my drive. It feels like an invasion here

“Drone down in someones backyard. Ten more just showed up after”

Just heard this live on the scanner [https://openmhz.com/system/morrisco](https://openmhz.com/system/morrisco)

That drone never had the makings of a varsity athlete.

Holy crap on the 911 radio ‘someone called a downed drone in the back yard near power lines. 10 more showed up.’

Go and check it out

I love how a literal unidentified drone from god knows where with who knows what on board lands and the first thing you guys do is drive towards it.

Totally following this sub!

Dispatch 6 been awful quiet since saying they were on scene

I screen recorded all of Dispatch group six’s conversations with dispatch. An as I was screen recording their conversation when they said they’ve confirmed fragments and stuff then that recorded disappeared from the website an I got it on while screen recording.

wtf is happening

We’re in the woods baby!!

Shit I was just about to go to bed. Guess not.

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