99.99% of Americans if this guy shows up at their door will shelter, feed, get him a beer and securely transport him to his next waypoint. Basically Underground Railroad tf out of him.

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Setup a date with another healthcare CEO.

we need a doppleganger party in manhattan and every major city in the tristate area

I have about as much sympathy for that โ€œCEOโ€ as I would have for a rapist who was shot by one of his victims.

Yeah man holler if youโ€™re in NC

I would offer to outfit his suppressor with a booster, so he wonโ€™t have to clear a weapons malfunction next time around. . . Less time on target gives him more time to egress to safety.

he killed a serial killer……

IMHO, everyone in America who looks a lot like this guy (there have to be a fair few with the same sort of nose, same sort of jawline, right?) should go out and buy a jacket like this and wear it with the hood up every time they’re out.

I can change him.

So we’ve already completely overlooked the fact the person in this picture is clearly not the shooter, and we’re just continuing to spread it. Cool… Watching propaganda in real time is a trip.

Edit: You can all stop with the “bUt ThEn ThEy’Ll cHaSe ThE wRoNg PeRsOn!!1” If I have to explain why it’s bad for the person in this picture to be chased by the FBI/NYPD for the high profile murder of a rich person, then you all need to leave reddit for a long time.

If he shows up at my door I’m taking beer and food requests and doing my damnedest to meet them

I never thought i’d see the day where Natural Born Killers would be reality.

We protect this man at all costs. No notes.

That’s not The Adjuster.

Similar but not the same coat and different backpacks.

The dude hit his target and bounced. He didn’t stop to buy snacks or coffee with his face cover down to be caught.

This person has dark eyebrows. The Adjuster had blond eyebrows or light brown. His can can barely be seen in the image of him.

If you see this man… no you fucking didn’t.

I already made my peace. If I die helping him out, so be it.

This guy for president please. Donโ€™t know what all his policies are but the man knows how to get shit done. We already elected a felon anywayโ€ฆ

I’ll happily rebuild the underground railroad for this man and anyone who wishes to follow in his footsteps. Freedom for the Heroes of the people and death to the oligarchy!

He’s a total charmer. I really hope uncovering his face to flirt with that employee at the Hilton isn’t what lands him in jail!

We all know someone he loved died from getting an insurance claim denied.

Reminds me to grab some beer. In case.

Many Canadians too!

I’m 1,000% sure he’s already out of the country

Never saw him, sir

If I wound up on his jury, should he be caught, Iโ€™d push for Jury Nullification

The pictures of this guy with the mask off seriously don’t match the jacket in the pictures with the mask on. Look at the hood, which appears to be a smooth fleece or cotton material, then look at the pictures with the mask on and look at the hood which has more creases and looks like it’s made of some polyurethane or vinyl material. Unless they can produce an actual matching jacket, this is just the piglice trying to half-ass an investigation because they already look fucking incompetent and they have no reason to actually try when it’s all just performative for them to send a message that CEOs get preferential treatment by the law.

Yeah, I do like Jake Gyllenhaal.

Why would he take his mask off in a Starbucks and then go shoot someone masked? Seems fishy, not the best plan to evade detection

If that’s how he’s moving around, hopefully he’ll eventually get to somewhere that he can’t be extradited from.

Wouldnโ€™t it be funny if the smiling dude on the right was a plant to mislead investigators?

I hope this guy in the photo who is clearly not the killer gets like a modeling contract from some outdoor sports apparel company for his trouble and 15 mins of fame

If he knocked on my door I think out of fear I’d give him my car key, all my cash, and not call the police for fear he’d come back!

Any resemblance to me is purely coincidental.

For some reason I don’t see anybody in the pictures.

This is NOT the guy

I’m not saying anyone should harbor or help a suspected murderer but, I’m gonna be out of town for a while and my basement door key is under the 3rd rock from the left.

Can you imagine if people have protests where they dressed up like this dude?

That might actually drive a bit of change, the implicit and explicit threat

This is NOT the shooter, why do people keep spreading this?

If I were an American and he showed up I’d take part.

That’s not him, he has chest pockets. Still, help strangers survive anyway!

So far it doesn’t seem like he needs a damn thing

Iโ€™ve never seen that individual in my life ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Nobody saw a damn thing.

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