Hooters had an airline but ceased operations after 3 years

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I flew on Hooters air and the flights to Myrtle Beach were often on sale for $69. They did not allow anyone under 21 to fly because the beer was free! Also, free food. They had trivia contests in the air and I won a little hooters stuffed owl. They also had free wifi at a time when wifi was sort of new and no other airlines had it.

Hooters Air was operated by Pace Airlines and was started operations in March of 2003.
– Robert Brooks, the owner of Hooters, acquired Pace Airlines in December of 2002.
– Brooks believed that Hooters Air would be a beneficial means to bring more awareness to the restaurant chain.
– Due to United Airlines being brought into Hooters Air’s Rockford-Denver route, Hooters stopped service to Rockford, IL due to too much competition.
– On April 17, 2006, Hooters Air ceased operations, costing Hooters an estimated $40 million USD.

That guys hands show how much inflammation he has. His watch is cutting off blood flow.

Fun fact – the orange color that was their trademark was one of the most difficult to reproduce for airline laminates *ever*, and resulted in very high costs and delays for interiors.

Source – I used to work for the company that made it.

Went tits up.

I only fly it for the wings

Former coworker of mine was a pilot for Hooters airline. It was a pretty sweet gig for a good looking divorced dad in his 40’s. He’d work with the same hooters girls stewardesses on pretty much all flights, and then they’d spend the night/morning in the same hotel since they only flew one way each day (down one day, return flight the next day, I think twice a week).

Of course he ended up dating one of the girls for a little while, haha

Dude’s got King Charles sausage fingers.

Aging boomers remember it as the *breast* three years of air travel

I flew them to Vegas (2-3 times) for a work conference. IIRC, the flight attendants were not in the restaurant outfits like that picture by that time I took them.

Our company request we find the lowest airfare rate and they were always the cheapest flights. When HR saw the expense report they brought me in to ask why I had selected that airline and probably punish me.

I told them I was instructed only to pick the cheapest flight, not to exclude certain brands.

I remember how confused they were by my rebuttal.

Sir, you’ll be seated in 44D.

If it wasn’t sexual assault cases idk what it was.

True story, my high school somehow ended up chartering their planes to take literally hundreds of high schoolers on our senior trip. As you can imagine, the teenage boys were stoked when they saw it pull into the gate.

“Who are you flying with?”

“Teen Softcore Porn Air, of course.”

Only selling aisle seats was their downfall

It flew out of Gary IN of all places lol

My old boss told me that he flew with them a couple times just for the novelty, knowing it might be his only shot at it because there’s no way this thing would last. He was right. But he said the flight was great, the Hooters girls/flight attendants were beautiful and professional. He said it was more like a standard flight than a trip to Hooters, with the exception being their attire. Everything else was a standard flight.

He also hold me he’d been on a couple private flights that were more suggestive and sexual than the Hooters flight. And I believe him, because I’d met a couple of his friends before. They were absolutely the type to hire “suggestive flight attendants.”

Too many birds were getting hit on during flights

Of course it went out of business. No families are going to fly on that. No business is going to allow an employee to expense a flight on it, either. What’s left?

A flight you could actually look forward to any turbulence.

They didn’t seem to book many female passengers. I wonder why?

This seems like an unsafe business venture

Is he sipping on lean?

All I’ll say is if capitalism were real, Hooters would still have airlines.

Surprised it lasted that long

seems like the exact type of guy you expect to enjoy a captive female audience

Dude has a white shirt shelve turtle neck and a double cup, how much coke did he bring?


Well it was always going to go tits up, let’s be honest.

Couldn’t keep it up, eh? 😏

I’d fly Twin Peaks Airlines.

I flew to the Bahamas with my boyscout troop in 6th grade… True story all of my pictures I took on the trip were of the flight to and from 🤣

Correct, airbags belong in cars, not in planes.

Air hostesses couldn’t get the life jackets on .. shame

United Air Lines did flights like this for 17 years on the Chicago to New York sector, though without the titillating attire:


Different times for sure.

Holy shit. I worked for hooters when they started sending recruiters to the restaurants. I VERY seriously considered applying as a flight attendant 🤦‍♀️

The only airline that I would tolerate turbulence. If you know what I mean.

Ok if you don’t know what I mean, is because boobies bouncing.

And as the Boomers aged out so did the tits and ass airline. Anyways, you wouldn’t want to see their safety ratings. /s

Not creepy at all.

No shortage of buoyancy at least

The swelling is more likely rheumatoid arthritis or early onset congestive heart failure.


Im curious if there’s anywhere here who traveled with them. I wonder what the service and accommodations were like. I stayed at the hotel in Vegas sometime between 07-10 probably. It was actually surprisingly nice. The rooms were clean and well maintained. The bedsheets and comforters both looked clean. I was honestly pretty shocked. I scoffed at my buddy who made the reservation thinking we were in for a shit show.

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