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i approve…wouldn’t put it on my car cuz some cult member wd probably key my car…it’s happened…

I saw one recently thay said “if you want to take my reproductive rights, hand me a knife and let me take yours, too”

And the people who voted for him too

Brass balls! I have one but don’t want my car to get keyed…or worse

comment image?width=1002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f0cf9d22fb5e571bc8ccf2604be5ba3ea3e7aba

Fuck ya!


Hell yeah! FUCK TRUMP!


And everything he stands for.

Careful, it’s a cult


Succinct, to the point, factual


Nah, his dick is too small.

In a couple months, that will get you arrested, or worse.

Don’t give Maga any ideas, they might take it literally. I know some of them want to be in bed with him so much lol. And I’m not talking about just the women. I get the same vibe from the men lol.

The mouth breathers that have had flags, bumper stickers, car decals, etc, saying some variant of “fuck joe biden” suddenly have a problem with freedom of speach. Dickriding with superglue as lube.

Nice to see the other side for once, and they’re nto doign this while claiming theyre doing it for familial christain values. Good

And everything he stands for.

Agreed wholeheartedly.

Fuck trump and fuck his supporters with a rusty chainsaw. May they get everything they voted for.

Waiting for the incels to shit the bed when they go after porn, lmfao.

Does it come in a bigger size!

comment image?width=1478&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=558c27be85acb9e09065f8ffa952f7a2e7701590

Been here since 2021 (maybe I put it there, maybe…I did)

Truck Fump

Funny coz this is from his first run i had one from a sticker bundle it was in the middle of the peak of the box logo fever so this was meant to be like the supreme logo



Kamala 2028

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