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Does that mean trump has to sit down cuz they couldn’t draft him either with his ouchy feet

Fun fact: Stefan could never be drafted. Not ever. He was born in Ireland which has never had a draft and is Canadian which hasn’t had a draft in his lifetime.

Dude needs to sit down and stfu.

You can’t have children.
Sit down when abortion is discussed

Every time Stefan Molyneux is brought up, I can’t help but think about Bill Burr’s take:


Imagine women just don’t want to see their sons, husbands, fathers. brothers, best friends be sent like a lamb to slaughter?

If men sit down when abortion and pregnancy is discussed, we have a deal.

Usually, most of the people who thinks like this are those who have idiotic plans that could possibly cost thousands of lives

Said the guy who never even served in the military.

We may not be able to be drafted but we haven’t had a draft in a good longggg time and a lot of men have skipped the draft. Where as women are voluntarily going into the military.

Riveting stuff

That French guy thinks that men in America are getting drafted? He is stuck in the early 1970s, which is getting to be a long time ago.

Even if women weren’t allowed to serve in the military, we also have sons and brothers. It is absolutely our business.

Alex, I’ll take “Things that never happened “.

And men can’t get pregnant. Yet they don’t sit down and shut up when it comes to abortion

Why is being drafted the sole qualifier? Plenty of women have died in wars, because wars kill people, not just soldiers

Outliers are not representative of the datasets. Basic statistics knowledge. So, it’s not the “comeback”!

I mean, she didn’t really counter his point in any way though, he only said that women can’t be drafted, not that they can’t join the army

The egg-man cucked once again.

because getting drafted is the only way war could possibly affect you /s

She wasn’t a good colonel for her time look into it

Men, you can’t get pregnant.

Sit down when abortion is discussed.

This Colonel was implicated in a corruption case in Iraq and basically allowed to retire instead of facing a possible court martial.

A fucking career officer is not a draftee, fuck off.

Well, the thing is that in America male can be forced to join the army, so I get why non draftable person should not have a say. But this also extended to non eligible men, and should include army personnel regardless of their gender.
I’d say he is not totally wrong but that a better come back should point out that he is quite off topic through, for example, by pointing out his own ineligibility and hence the fact that he should shut up too.

When was the last draft exactly?

Colonel… sit down and shut up! You’re retired.

Does that mean men should sit down when abortion is discussed?

You know this post is old when the dates are removed

(5 years: October 7th 2019, and October 9th 2019, i just looked it up)

That guy is genuine, right?

They call you “Kernel”, which really makes no sense looking at the word.

Does this mean that both men and women could be drafted?

I get his point to an extent. Not that they can’t say anything about war but it’s a huge problem that men are drafted

She should have been the chairwoman of the Democratic Party of Texas.

Stefan, didn’t you used to pretend to be a woman? 

One of the few people whose pfp truly conveys the punchability of his face.

We doing drafts now?
Last time I checked forced conscription in the US stopped in 1973.

Maybe when it comes to matters regarding the US YOU sit down when matters are discussed.

There is no draft……..yet

I would kind of getting it if you were saying g that people who can’t be drafted can’t have a say on a draft decision (not only women tho, also old men and anybody who can’t be drafted)

But this is dumb

Don’t they call you Maam? In the army that’s what we do.

I think they were talking about politicians voting to send men to die. The ruling class is above serving, but they’ll send you off to die

There’s SOME truth to what he’s saying. Maybe the Draft-Eligible should have extra weight in the conversation. (I’m a man but i’m too old to be drafted so I’d be in the non-Draft-Eligible category.) In reality tho we listen to the opinions of young people the least.

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