Basic human needs.

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I assume you gave it lots of pets and cuddles

Ummmm….Maam? You’re credit card was declined…well this is akward.

I want this! Let’s go to Austria

He looks very polite.

He wants his breakfast and you’re providing it Get a move on

I wouldn’t mind seeing that cutie first thing

โ€œyou got any games on your phone?โ€

Virtual alarm lol, a darn cute one too.

“Other humans before you gave treats .. you give treats too because you are human and im cat .. please no no, only yes”

Give a link to the hut

I would have this all day.

In austria there are farm-hotels where you can live a couple days with the family. You get breakfast with housemade marmelade and butter or eggs and can help the farmer with various tasks like milking cows, feeding their hens and brushing their cows.

Guten Morgen, giรŸ food bitte

I have a cat and can speak cat. This look is โ€œwhere are treats?โ€

We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.

he’s wondering how you got in his house lol!

Forget the view, this cat is the real highlight.

It’s part of the premium VIP package that has paw officer as ur butler. I hope you have paid and tipped this sire well.

He didn’t need to come to wake you
He chose to
For you

That’s normal in Austria, every House comes with one of those for free.

We had a cat come through the window and cuddle up in bed with us in a pub/b and b in Devon.

Easily five stars for the personal service.

i would be going home with a cat ngl. who am i to argue with the gods of feline distribution.

At least our spiders donโ€™t eat mice

He would like to know what you want for breakfast

I assume you gave a lot of cuddles…

Cute, but Iโ€™d fuckin hate this so much

Yes, I am *very* allergic to cats. Damn you, genetics.

Time to split the rent!

Given all the other kinds of things you could have woken to find in a hut in Australia I think you more than won this time!

Good thing youโ€™re not me and super allergic to cats

The CDS strikes again.

Treats? Yes or Yes….

Oh sure, when a cat appears in someone’s bed it’s “cute” and they take a picture. When I do it they just scream and throw things at me.

5k upvotes in 2 hours is insane lol

Yelp Review: 10/10

Heโ€™s saying who the fook are you!

he is such a cute paw paw

Looking at you like; *Why are you in my bed hooman?*

๐Ÿ˜บ Do you rest well ma’am? Just checking

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