Wait, that wasn’t the same movie?

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How does Kevin Hart not make the list? He plays a bum who disappoints his girlfriend in every movie he plays.

Jason Statham needs to be in one of these.


If you think Ryan Reynolds should be on this list then you need to watch The Voices, the Amityville remake, and Buried. He gets typecast because he’s really good at being snarky handsome guy, but the man can *act*.

replace ryan reynolds with kevin hart and we’re good

Steven Seagal not only acts exactly the same in every movie he does, but he even dresses exactly the same as well. He basically just changes the name and nothing else, and it’s always hilarious.

Now I really think that the Green Lantern movie should be erased from existence since it breaks this rule

Reynolds do have an acting range though. And he DOES NOT have the same personality in every movie. Sure, lately he did become a bit one-dimensional, but have you seen: Life; Criminal; Self/less; Safe House; or Buried?

I will not stand for any slander against Dwain “the Tooth Fairy” Johnson!

I did like Michelle Rodriguez as Holga, in the Dungeons & Dragons movie.🤤

Fun fact: All four have been in movies in the F&F universe.

Ryan Reynolds can act though…😭

Ryan Reynolds played the patriarch of a family that moved into the Amityville house in the 2005 remake of The Amityville Horror. Far cry from Deadpool.

Why is Ryan Reynolds up there? He has some depth.

Okay yeah, but did you see Dungeons and Dragons? Because she really works in that movie and also I love that movie and also everyone should see it and and and we deserve a sequel

How dare you slander Mr. Reynolds like that. Dude’s got a strong typecast, sure, but he has twice the range of those three dillholes.

You did not just put my favorite canadian marshmallow on the same post as these random talentless props.

They’re probably gonna reveal to us later that they’ve been shooting a series marketed as individual movies.

rock plays himself in every movie

We need Ryan Reynolds in fast and furious

Surprise twist, they’re all played by Gary Oldman

I think it’s wrong to add Michelle Rodriguez to that list LOL. She’s said before she specifically ONLY goes for those roles. The others seemingly do not and throw their hand in production to warp the character AROUND them.

Megan fox?

It took my way way too long to realize the bottom 2 are different people.

No Tom Cruise?

Smokin Aces


who’s the person on the top right?

Fast and furious

Pure-hearted cinnamon roll, edgy badass car girl, buff jungle explorer, and family-oriented strong and silent guy.


Jason Statham. The guy from blue bloods. Jackie Chan. Bruce Lee. The other Asian martial art dude jet something. Ice t. Chris Rock.


Wait till OP finds out about Jason Statham

Where’s Kevin Hart and Gal gadot?

Forgot Will Smith

Vasquez is a fucking badass idegaf

Dwayne liked jungles

Nick from Newgirl must win this list.

Danny Mcbride and Kevin hart would be before all of them

Michelle Rodriguez is the only one that has voiced a smurf, therefore not the same personality!


Dwayne Johnson should be on the list tbf

Often yes, but they all actually have pretty good range

you are missing Seth Rogen!

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