Texas Is Not Safe

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Wait, you had it changed before and now they changed it back? Didn’t knew this was possible

One more thing that’s scary is that when states do shit like this, it makes the ID look more like a fake.

Tell me. What happens when you give your ID to a bar or dispensary? Or the cops?

That’s a recipe for disaster and just another example of trans people being criminalized in a similar spirit as Jim Crow laws.

>”yeah, thats a man.”

>prettiest girl ever

Why it is always like that? Are they stupid?

That’s really really absolutely awful, i stay out of US politics for mental health reasons but what a sad state of affairs.   

Much, much, much, love from Australia , God bless and godspeed applying for jobs in another state or whatever <3

I hate texas. Always have and will.

Doesn’t this make the license look fake? Like for the sake of using it as ID ?

That’s possible?? Over here in Estonia it’s a whole ordeal to change it in the first place and when you finally do you essentially become a new citizen with a new ID code and it becomes almost impossible to link it back to your old ID unless you specifically ask for it and have documents to prove so.

Texas and Florida are ‘Do Not Travel’ states according to Erin Reed.

Treat them like you would treat traveling to Afghanistan, or Saudi Arabia, or the surface of the Sun.

New Mexico is much better. Fuck Texas.

Imagine this person walking into a male bathroom.

Then imagine them explaining to someone that they’re trans and required to use it,

The likelihood of being assaulted is so high it’s insane.

There’s already *a lot* of conservative anti-trans guys who secretly fetishize trans women. Add that in with blind hatred and it’s a recipe for disaster.

She isn’t safe there at all.

I have a lot of empathy for the LGBTQ+ community in the US who will likely not be able to be their true selves now and into the future. It amazes me how obsessed conservatives are about people living their lives how they want in the body they feel they truly are. It doesn’t affect them or their children in any way.

Sending internet hugs to you all from Australia.

The policy went into effect on August 20, 2024. So for any fellow queer/trans person in Texas, they will revert it to the gender on your original file when you renew. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

Safe escape routes need to be created

how and why? I just…. huh? in The Netherlands it’s a whole process of changing it on your birth certificate in the municipality where you were born, then go to the municipality where you live to change ID and driver license. When I did, 3 or 4 different automated government things popped up like “OMG you’re 30 and you never had a gynaecology check? please go to your GP!!!” stuff like that.

Unless someone really starts digging I doubt anyone would even remember that it wasn’t always F on my ID and driver’s license.


isn’t this gonna cause issues in situations where u need to give someone the ID and, the ID says male and then they look at u then BAM, the prettiest girl ever.

Hey guys this is Allie Aka the one who tweeted this! Thanks for all the support and love. Glad everyone else is seeing this.

I’m soooo sorry! I know moving isn’t easy. I wish politicians spent their time doing things that actually matter and not spending it reversing progress.

What gets me (an Australian) is how the Americans are like “Fuck yeah! Freedom! No, not you.”

It’s the pure hypocrisy and contradiction of claiming to be the “Land of the Free” while simultaneously oppressing a part of the population.

The truth of it really is that they want women like Allie to leave the state. They don’t want LGBTQ people in the state. It’s really come to that and it is that simple. We’re not welcome in Texas and anyone who is LGBTQ in Texas better wake up to that truth and start making contingency plans, and the homocons who think they’re safe….not so much.

I hate Texas. Such a fucking cesspool. Fuck Florida too just because.

So sorry, sending love from California.

It clearly means M for Ma’am.

But seriously this is fucked wtf.

Im old enough to remember when Texas Congressman Ron Paul said it wasn’t an appropriate role of government to define a person’s gender, that doing so violated individual liberty.

Fuck Texas, she’s CUTE.

To be clear because of some of the comments I have seen, I am not the original OP of this tweet. I am sharing it to spread awareness of Texas’ transphobic policies.

I know people often don’t have the privilege of choosing a different place to live but if you can get out, Western Oregon is queer friendly, especially around Portland and Eugene. You can change your gender marker at the DMV without any kind of documentation and if you want to do a legal name change all you have to to do is pay a fee and file with the clerk at the courthouse. A month or two later they notify you that the judge has signed off. You can pick up a certified judgment which you can use to change your name on any other legal document such as your birth certificate, Social Security card, and passport
Western New York is also a great place to live and really inexpensive. Much cheaper than Oregon.

Texas should secede so we can build a wall around it

Is it just me or is it incredibly dodgy that they have the data to do that just lying around

Just tell them you used a straw once, and the next day you looked like this!

Jesse watters said so.

Unrelated, you look great. Be as safe as you can.

So, when she gets pulled over, this totally isn’t gonma devolve into an issue about how she looks female, but the ID says male, right?


I still question the value of having sex on these records in the first place

It’s insane someone would look at that woman and call her a man

My friend has a trans teen daughter who got into legal trouble and was held at a detention center for a week. They assured my friend she was not “with the boys” but that was a lie. She was held in a boys detention center but not allowed out of her room except for meals and accompanied by a guard. That’s what they meant by not with the boys. She was also not given shower privileges.

I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this.

Reminder currently anyone can get a US Passport Book and or Passport Card with your correct gender marker via self declaration with no court order or proof of surgery or doctors letters required. I would expect this to change not long after inauguration.

Both the book and card last 10 years and are legally required to be accepted as a valid form of ID anytime proof of address isn’t needed.


Isn’t exhausting to be this big of a bigot? Genuine question

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