“Happiest man in China”, photo taken in 1901. The man didn’t know that photos are serious

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I’d say he looks happy.

Why does this look like the only relatable photo taken before like 1980

Crazy to think he’s dead. In a hundred years, so will everyone in Reddit at this moment.

I wanna be that happy 🥲

It’s a fucking great photo.

This dude would have gone nuts with Instagram.


Photos are serious? Like, always?

He has nice teeth

It took a long time to expose this level of joy.

He has really good teeth and skin.

Dude looks positively jazzed about his rice.

Same tho.

This is how I take photos, my wife gets annoyed. I say, would you like a smile with dead eyes or a silly face with emotion and when you see these photos when I’m dead you’ll cry remembering my silliness. She doesn’t like thinking about my death (I’ll die first, I joke I’ll die at 42 because I had a vivid dream once)

Well, if there was ever any truth to photos “stealing your soul”, I want my soul-stealing image to be like this one.


People living in the moment. Not a fork in sight.

He’s lovin it

Impossible. Smiling wasn’t invented until 1957.

photos? serious?

It’s eerie knowing that in 10 years the country end up in civil wars and famine, then in another 20 years Japan would invade. He pretty much spent the entire later half of his life in perpetual war and hunger. I just hope he was able to live into the 1960s and enjoy the last stages of his life in peace

Jokes on all the serious chinese in 1901 whose picture i’ve never seen 🙂

I hope he was always this happy with life!!

What do you mean by photos are serious?

Aang (pronounced ung) with rice

The photographer probably wanted a solemn portrait, and this guy said, ‘Nah, I’ll go viral instead.

A nicely cooked bowl of basmati rice makes me happy too.

What is this, “super duper mega reposted day” on the pics sub? Did someone get their bot army banned and now they need to build a new one?

I love this photo so much. I’d actually pay to get the original negative to display.

I think you meant to say, he was the first to realize that photos did not *have* to be serious.

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