Funny how that works

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As predictions go, this seems fairly plausible.

Am all exited about Nuremberg style trials after the dumbest person understands consequences of fascism – took the Germans only 12 years and 45 million deaths to get it.

At this point, we’ll be lucky if history books are still a thing in the future.

“It was about states rights!”
States rights to do what? Hmm?
To own slaves…
To oppress minorities…
To strip women of their rights…

I am so glad that I’m not going to be in school for this part of history. The finals are going to be crazy.

Fuck.. man..

I love how thus sub is just posting bluesky posts now lmaaaoo

with all the bombs flying around I’m just hoping there is an era at all at this point

Hope this tweet ends up in a history book one day

We’ve *been* in that era…

Just make sure we learn a lesson this time. Not the idiots who are causing the problems, the rest of us who let this happen. Make sure history is taught, education is protected and the old “Lost Cause” mythology is stamped out. This has been in the works for over a century, but we were too blind and “reasonable” to see it happening.

Yep but they will glorify it’s shittyness as a strength.

So very true

“history wont be kind to the GOP”

GOP: we’re gonna burn all the history books

Read that 4 times thinking I had a stroke.

Only if they don’t get rid of schools.

I’m not sure that era ever really ended.


As if they ever wanted anything taught in school, come one.

The left wing needs some kind of network similar to what conservatives have. They clearly are all talking from the same things with the same points so countering those effectively and quickly would take a lot of wind out of their sails.

Sounds like a opinion that only non conservatives would ever agree with and y’all eat this shit up every time. Lame ass dems screaming into a void 😂 there’s a reason trump won and yall simply can come to grips with it and look in a mirror.

Man people on reddit are insane with their doomsday predictions.

The left has been censoring opinions for over a decade now. Accept you lost and that the average person very much doesn’t agree with you.

America will be fine.

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