Im really stupid. I kissed my cat with lipstick on. I washed her with cat shampoo but it didnt work. Any other Solution? Should I try coconut oil?

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Try white lipstick

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wait is this you? even the cat looks the same ![img](emote|t5_2qhta|7943)

I love how she’s looking at you, like mama why 🥰🥰

She’s sitting there so patiently for you 🥰🥰

you can leave it there actually. most lipstick is beeswax or a vegan equivalent. everything else in there is in a small amount. given the small amount of lippie on your cat, she is not in danger. a bit of makeup remover is a good option, and most oils remove greasy things. go for an oil that is liquid at room temperature like sunflower oil.

edit: there can be some staining from the pigment. just let it grow out.

Omg my cat looks like yours! I normally just let it sit on, it’ll be gone tomorrow or after a few days 😊
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Including cat tax as well

to be loved is to be changed

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we have the same cat🥹🫶🏻

Noooo leave it, she looks so cute 🥺

I would smooch that little cat too. Can’t blame you.
Hope you find a good solution..😅

this is what i thought animal testing for cosmetic products was when i was a kid

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i kissed my freinds cat with lip dye and it lasted about a month and he never noticed

Makeup removing wipes or micellar water! Make sure to wipe it again with water for no residual of the stuffs


“Am I a joke to you?”
Seriously though, probably it’s best if you leave it there. It’ll wear off in no time. Also, what a precious baby.

Leave it. Cats clean themselves. She can clean it if she wants to but she left it on purpose because she knows she’s loved

painted car

There is a reason why witches had black cats and not white

This is a great post op pls give ur cat another kissie from me 🥰

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Leave it, comb/brush her every few days if you want, it’ll shed soon anyway.

But she’s so very kissable!

You could try sensitive skin cat wipes that don’t have any fragrance or allergens in them. I don’t know how well they work on lipstick, but they are designed specifically for cats. Just read the ingredients on mine and they are oatmeal, aloe vera, glycerin, vitamins A and E. Probably very similar to sensitive skin baby wipes.

ur cat said slay queen but maybe next time skip the makeup tutorial lmao

This is what I thought “animal testing” was

Keep kissing, you now have a red cat

She’s so damn beautiful. The smooches were totally justified

I think she looks FABULOUS 🤩

As far as I’m concerned the cat spent all night putting on blush

Guess you have to go all in. Cover your car with more lipstick kisses.

no. your cat is pink now.

It will grow out my cat rolled in my oil paints – what I couldn’t wash out eventually grew out.

At least lip stick is theoretically safe

Valentine’s Day color pack skin unlocked

Coconut oil should be fine, pretty much any oil that’s not toxic to cats. Even rapeseed oil will do the job. It’s about dissolving the (oil based) lipstick and then using soap.

Gonna fade away. Chill.

That cat is shocked

I love how she’s just sitting there and looking at you… I’d kiss her too

She’s like “what just happened”

I don’t know but expect retaliation tonight.

She will be fine

Leave it and sometimes give a vigorous pet with the hand wet. Do not use the oil.

Name her twist

Please kiss the cat one more time! 🥹 it suits her haha so cuteee

Let it roll and be a constant reminder of your love

itll be gone in a couple of days its alright

its probably fine if its not toxic. shell get it off herself with time. its like a battle scar for now.

That is the cutest freaking cat I’ve ever seen

Makeup wipes!

The face is saying ”mom what have u done to me”😂😭🥹

I have no advice to offer, but just had to say this is an adorable post

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