MMW: In the first month of DJT’s presidency he will lift all sanctions placed on Russia and personally travel to Moscow as a decisive move to stop war in Ukraine and rebuild the relationship with Russia, this event will be seen around the world as United States officially surrendering to Russia.

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It will also give China the green light to invade Taiwan.


Russia won the White House.

We haven’t lost this hard since Vietnam.

The top brass in Europe and Ukraine are probably well aware that the US has become compromised by Russian agents and trolls looking to repay their pay masters. Even if we do abandon Ukraine entirely I’m sure the EU would be forced to step up and continue support for Ukraine without the US. Really this is a pivotal point for the EU and Ukraine.

So all these newly created negative karma Russian bots can shut the fuck up now. Your mission is accomplished.

While visiting Russia he will get on his knees before Putin and give him oral pleasure.

That is because it is. He may as well carry a white flag. You could fit this man’s entire knowledge of foreign policy on the back of a stamp. Using his lack of knowledge, he is about to change the world order.

Us Europeans better get our shit together as the USA has just left the building.

Dopeybollocks will try to sell it as a win, even as putain takes a seat in the Oval Office – no, no, it’s OK, I invited him, he’s a guest, let him do as he pleases.
If he wants those old government papers as mementoes, that’s fine

They can keep him.

Russia will then release the kompromat to further humiliate the USA

As if world needs another reminder Cheeto Mussolini is Putin’s bitc. Lol.

I always felt early on in the Ukraine conflict, America’s involvement was a lose-lose situation for the Biden administration.

Option A.) Biden’s administration got involved, which they did. Sending aid to Ukraine and helping them as a means of thwarting Putin’s regime from staking claim to Ukraine and possibly expanding into other states formally under the USSR. Republicans saw it as throwing money to a problem we needn’t involve ourselves when there’s so much we need to fix here in the US.

Option B.) Biden’s administration does nothing and attempts to get Putin to withdraw fail. Biden would be seen as weak, and Republicans would tout how his inability to push back on Putin will allow former communist Russia to birth a “new” USSR and march across Europe leading to a new Cold War.

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t….

And soon after this, Putin will dump Trump

He’ll deactivate the disinformation machinery he’s been aiming mainly at the rural whites of the U.S

All because he was compromised decades ago from hanging out with Epstein and engaging in terrible things. Russia definitely has something on him

Do you think he’ll swallow or just take it all over his face ?

Orange fuck must be so proud! To be a first Russian US president!

I feel so sad for what this means for other places like Taiwan… as if it wasnt bad enough what is happening to Ukranians

Obama said MARK MY WORDS in 2015:

-If we arm Ukraine, Russia will respond militarily.

-If Russia.responds militarily, Ukraine will be destroyed.

-No matter how many weapons we send, it will never be enough.

Trump/Biden didn’t listen. Don’t be like Trump/Biden.

Russia owns his debt

Unlikely—U.S. intelligence regularly briefs leaders on Russia’s intentions. For instance, remember when Speaker Mike Johnson shifted his stance on supporting Ukraine funding after receiving a classified briefing? These insights play a critical role in shaping U.S. policy, making it unlikely for any administration to take such an uninformed step.. At least I hope…

I think the one reason why this wont happen is when they work out how much money their billionaire mates are making from making new equipment as the military is sending all its old stuff to Ukraine.

There’s more money to be made supporting the status quo then it is surrendering to Russia.

For the sake of the world I hope you’re wrong 😭

I hope Biden sends any confiscated Oligarch money over to Ukraine before he leaves office.

That Pee-pee tape is the gift that keeps on giving to Putin.

Trump is not travelling to Moscow in February…but this will happen in May or June.

The only reason for the delay…he will be golfing in Florida for Feb-April.

Just wait until the Bird Flu rages, low t will send little v our best ventilators.

And still people believe Trump when he says that he has no ties, no connections to Russia.
While I want to see this horrible war between Russia and Ukraine end I don’t want to see Ukraine be forced to accept a bullshit compromise.

He will bend over like the bottom bitch he is and pootin will make sure he can’t shit or walk straight the next 4 years.

The real problem will be when trump sends US troops to help Putin in Ukraine, once Putin has no more prisoners and conscriptees to throw into the meat grinder.
Red white and blue helping red white and blue.
Around about the same time, the US will pass laws branding NATO as a terrorist organisation.

Don’t forget that he’d also give Ukraine false Intel on Russian troop movements and might also just order the U.S. military to just strike Ukraine and cripple it.  Y’know, just to sweeten the pot for Vladdy & secure the absolute downfall of any kind of trust in the U.S. as an ally.

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