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“Is the dog dying now” why yes, right now in fact, lemme put him on the phone so you can give him his last rites, holy one

“Is the dog dying now” no the dog is scheduled to start dying at 4:30pm

“I have a personal emergency and will not be at work today”

Nothing more needs to be said. Don’t elaborate, don’t respond, don’t provide any other justification.

Work doesn’t need to know your personal life.

“Is the dog dying now” is INSANE.

Damn imagine being that insensitive, hope you’re doing ok OP

Some people have zero compassion

I’m not coming for reasons. I’ve done my job in telling you. Do your fucking job and manage.

“Is the dog dying now? How about now? Is it dead yet? Will it be dead in time for you to do the afternoon shift?”

What. A. Prick.

“is the dog dying now?” No darling, it’s dying tomorrow I’m just giving you a heads up.

No but seriously, wtf

I had a manager deny my 70/yo Vietnam coworker open heart surgery and my tonsilectomy. Needless to say we went over her head and got taken care of.

I would quit right there

Words to use in these situations:

Family emergency

Personal emergency

Sick and puking

Puking and explosive diarrhea

Explosive diarrhea

Projectile vomiting

Penile wart removal

Mix and match as you see fit.

Under no circumstances do we use exact or actual reasons, they can’t question you for any of the above. Worst they can do is ask for a Dr note. Which you can find online now days

Edit: formatting and added

Never tell them the actual cause. They would ask you if there’s someone else that can stay with your parents while they die if you told them both your parents are dying.

Only mention that you have a personal emergency that requires your full attention and attendance. And nothing else. No answer until you show up for work the next day unless they’re asking when you’re gonna show up again.

No dipshit the dog scheduled his death for later tonight, I can maybe squeeze in half my shift.

The fuck is that guy thinking?

You don’t know you can just ask your dog to die later?

“Is the emergency in the room with us now?”

“is the dog dying now?” What a lowlife

Sorry about your dog it is very hard thing to go.

I had to leave work because my dog was dying, had two bosses. Both were in same room. The one went no way it’s just a dog doesn’t matter. The other started arguing and yelling and told me to go it is important. They kept
Fighting. Some people just think business comes before humanity.

Let me guess, boss is just some lowtime manager too?

Alright dog is dead, I can come in now.

I once had to call in for our cat to be put down, it was quite sudden and traumatic. I was told the manager said to other coworkers “i don’t see the big deal, it’s just a cat” and the very next morning when I came in, still raw, he asks with a smile on his face “how’s your cat?” Cried for an hour.

To be clear, said manager had restraining orders by two separate women, both mothers of his 2 children he was court ordered to not see. So. You know. It tracks

corporate Amerika in one pic

I couldn’t get time off when my dog died. Sad part, I worked at an animal shelter so thought they would’ve understood. I’m sorry for your loss OP

nuh uhm they rescheduled his dying at 84 minutes from now … gtfo

This reminds me of back in high school when we had to put our dog down and my sister and I were late to our first class and we explained to the teacher that our dog had died and her response was “did it die this morning?” As if that was the only justification for being late. Zero sympathy whatsoever. Some people are just ginormous assholes.

My aunt died a couple of years ago. I was scheduled to work that day, and I had spent the whole week either at work or the hospital with her.
So I call work one morning, hours before my shift on a day when I knew literally every other manager was scheduled.
“Hey, I’m sorry, we are taking her off life support today I’m not going to make it in. I will be there tomorrow”
This SOB says “can you just come in a couple of hours late”
One of the 3 times in my life I’ve literally told someone to go Fuck themselves, and that I would straight up NEVER be coming back then. Then they blew up my phone for 2 days until I blocked the calls.
I have no time for people with zero empathy.

“I’m having a miscarriage I can’t come into work”
“But who is going to cover you”
An actual convo I had once

“is it dead already ? Can you come to work now ?”

Personally when I was management I didn’t like when people told me why they called out, I only needed to know you weren’t going to be in

Since your boss failed to show some compassion and basic kindness: I’m sorry for your loss, I’m sure your dog lived a wonderful and happy life knowing how much you loved them

I had to go to a hospital once because I wanted to kms, when I called out of work my boss said “this is a really inconvenient time to do this, I can’t get anyone to cover your shift, can’t you just do this another day?”. I worked at a fucking Spencer’s, they were ok with one less person for one shift. Definitely the worst job I’ve had for many many reasons.

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