In the final scene of Bong Joon-Ho’s 2003 film Memories of Murder based on the Hwaesong Serial Killer. The detective stares into the camera as if he’s looking at the killer. The real life killer Lee Choon-Jae watched the film with his family before his capture in 2019.

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The director knew the killer would watch the film. They always return to the scene of the crime

He had actually been captured for killing his sister-in-law since 1994. He only confessed to the murders portrayed in the movie in 2019.

He didn’t watch the movie with his family nor was he captured in 2019. He was already serving a life sentence for another rape and murder, and was incarcerated in 1994.

In the final scene of Memories of Murder, the detective stares directly into the camera, almost as if he’s looking at the killer. This eerie, fourth-wall-breaking moment is one of the most haunting in the film. It symbolizes the detective’s obsession with the unsolved case and the psychological toll it takes on him, as he’s left with the haunting uncertainty of never catching the murderer.

What makes this scene even more chilling is that the real killer, Lee Choon-jae, actually watched the film after it was released in 2003. He reportedly saw the moment where the detective stares into the camera and reflected on how close the investigators had come to catching him—before they ultimately failed. It’s almost as if the movie’s ending was somehow designed to be a direct confrontation between the detective and the killer, with the killer himself seeing it, like an unspoken acknowledgment of his elusiveness.

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Absolutely loved this film. Had a Korean movie-fest recently and this was my favourite. Korean films are increeeeeeedible.

He was imprisoned for raping and murdering his daughter in law too

One of the most powerful movie ending scenes imo

this film is regarded as one of the best of the century

Memories of Murder is probably the best police procedural movie ever made.

I wonder how he felt during that look

For a week I felt empty after watching this movie, it takes you to a real dark place most never go and worse it manages to keep you there long after you have stopped watching it.

So… it wasn’t Dwight after all. Looks like I am the killer. You never expect that you’re the killer… it’s.. great twist. Great twist.

Imagine watching a movie about your own crimes with your family and no one knowing it’s you… that’s a whole new level of messed up.

I cannot describe how unsatisfied I felt after watching this ending , like I’ve watched the entire movie waiting for the killer to be caught but they never did, this made me realize just how good this movie was, and majority of Bong Joon-Ho’s movies usually have something different about them.

Cops in the movie cared more about pinning the murders on innocents and closing the case tan actually solving the murders.

Imagine watching a movie about your own crimes with your family… talk about awkward movie night.

“We did it, Korea!!”

I think I’ve only ever been able to finish two Bong movies. The most popular two

They’re a tough watch

I just deleted this off of my drive. Maybe the best movie start-to-finish I’ve ever seen (depends on my mood really), but it’s definitely one of the best crime films ever.

This film is an absolute masterpiece.

This low life rapist murderer is on a life sentence now with the possibly of a parole after 20 years? WTF.

This is one of the greatest films I’ve ever seen.

This is one of my fav Korean movies, and maybe just movie period. That golden era pushed out so many really good films that never sniffed an oscar, but should have

Perhaps the best film I ever watched in my life.

Korean thriller movies are next level!

If you haven’t seen this film, do yourself a favor and watch it. One of the best films ever made in my humble opinion. It is a masterpiece. Incredible crime thriller.

What an impeccable director, wow. He knew a serial killer wouldn’t be able to stay away from a movie about him and took the opportunity to stare him down. He knew he’d lock eyes with him in some form by doing this. Bong Joon-Ho deserves it ALL.

He wasn’t watching with his family

Well, ***one*** of his eyes is looking directly at you anyway!

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