A cease and desist is for hoes…

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Okay. Hear me out.

Why didn’t Drake launch a defamation suit against Kendrick for saying “he likes em young” or alluding to Drake dating underage girls. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

The famous actor we once knew is lookinโ€™ paranoid and now spiralinโ€™

Damn that is some sad pathetic shit.

Everyone was waiting for his reply…and it is a legal notice. How can people ride so hard for this boy?

I can’t believe it…THIS has got to be the ultimate lame-nigga tactic.

So you’re telling me that *Drake*, the dude that reportedly signed a (presumably) 400 million dollar deal with UMG, who is also close with Lucian Grainge (CEO of UMG) & his son Elliot, is accusing UMG & Spotify of somehow colluding with Kendrick to boost his tracks over Drake’s???

For one, “Hello pot, meet kettle” cause I VIVIDLY remember when Scorpion had dropped, Spotify was pushing the album something *fierce*. But now that he’s the butt of the joke, he took the ‘L’, and he’s finally realizing that people don’t fuck with him like that, he wants to try and accuse organizations of collusion & market manipulation?

**This is wagyu kobe beef-Colonizer behavior.**

This dude really came out and said “rules for thee and not for me”…straight unbelievable. The only way I can understand this being a thing is if he’s trying to back out of that dumbass deal and wants to try and piss off UMG enough to sever ties.

Otherwise, he’s a dork, he’s always been a dork and always will be a lame dork.

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Imagine still being a fan of this man ๐Ÿ’€

I listened to it all o n Apple Music so checkmate, brah

โ€œCosplay gangsters, fake ass accentsโ€ฆโ€ – Megan Thee Stallion circa 2024


He wants out and thatโ€™s very obvious. Letโ€™s see if it works.

Heโ€™s such a whiny bitch


Sounds about white

Kendrick bullied this man so hard he’s calling conspiracy. You love to see it.

what, you don’t like that record?

Dude should just take the L and move on.


Heโ€™s not like us for real lmao

I just don’t get these rich asshole. Like dude owns a fucking 747 jetliner, he can fly damn-near wherever in the world he wants. He can probably land anywhere, buy a mansion or penthouse, 10 super cars, do literally whatever he wants. Spend the rest of his days on a beach sipping cocktails surrounded by (of age) bikini clad women.

Instead he spends his time and energy doing this petty shit?

Such a sensitive rapper…where his pajamas at?



What a BAN.

He accused UMG and Spotify of RICO

Mf is balding in the back and now this. That mid life crisis is about to be wild

Not one of his so called friends wanted to tell him to move on? He looks and acts like a Bitch.

So heโ€™s gonna act like EVERYONE wasnโ€™t stepping to NLU all year long lol just accept youโ€™re attached to the weirdo anthem and stay out Kendrickโ€™s way๐Ÿ˜‚


perhaps the song is just that good

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Anybody who lives in LA can tell you that this song didn’t get turned off for MONTHS. You couldn’t leave the house without hearing it from every direction. Ik cuz I was bumping shit in every direction when I left the house.

Back to back I like that record

I lOst A RaP bEef aNd goT puBlicLy HuMILiAted BEcaUsE Iโ€™m a laMe bItcH bOy, noW Iโ€™m SUinG plAtfOrms thAt hAD nOthiNG to dO with it BEcaUsE Iโ€™m a sOre loSer.

Okay Canadian Trump.


So how long until the next Kendrick drop?

Canโ€™t wait to see how the delusional idiots at r/Drizzy spin this to show that โ€œdrake won the beefโ€ lol

So the reason I canโ€™t go 10 minutes without hearing Not Like Us isnโ€™t because the songโ€™s popular, itโ€™s becauseโ€ฆ.bots?

Somebody let all those marching bands knowโ€ฆ.

Guess Drake better sue me too, because when Kendrick went in on him I indiscriminately shared that album with E V E R Y B O D Y.

What in the 8.5 x11 behavior is this??!

It’s some lame shit for Drake to do from a hip-hop stand, but there’s evidence that spotify does do this so he’s not wrong

Imagine getting clowned so hard you need to take legal action

tired of seeing about this whiney asshole

Once a lame, always a lame

I watched that video 20 times in the first three hours after it dropped.

he’s such a LOSER

I just saw a comment in r/drizzy talking about โ€˜Drake is anti industry and trying to save hip hop from Kbotsโ€™ good lord


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