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Mom needs some ground work laid.

Family drama hits differently when your mom forgets basic biology.

Is she perchance trying to make your ex your step dad?

Lmao the audacity…..moms really be playing the uno reverse card sometimes

How do you know your MIL hates you? She still talks to your husband’s ex and tells him he should ask her to dinner some time while you casually sit there and choke on your tea.

Yeah, and that ex is her DADDY. What about it? 😂 😂 😂

And he’s your NEW DAD

Deal with it Tay.

Im starting to see why dad left

Not your mom?

Moms tryna FUCK

Can someone explain what this means?

Is “Not my mom” supposed to mean her step mom? In that case, why is she still talking to her, since her dad is now her step mom’s ex?

I mean, sometimes, depending on the situation, it’s valid to stay in touch with your kids/sibling exes. My whole family kept in touch with my sister ex fiance because he was the sweetest guy, and she treated him like absolute shit.

If I’m honest we probably spent more time with him than we did with her lmao

i understand the post, but can one of you young whipper-snappers explain to me the concept of starting a sentence like this with “not”?

And your ex is her daddy

The mom sounds like a creep fr. Shes probably hot for the dude.

>Not my

This adds literally nothing. If you talk like this, fuck you.

And your ex is your mom’s “daddy”.

And that’s her daddy

Mom: “Oh yeah, I keep forgetting we told you *he’s* your dad.”

Honestly, I feel like if you broke up on good terms with your ex, your family should be allowed to be in contact with them. The only time your family is obligated to cut contact is if the ex cheated, was abusive, etc.

Random person: my mom still talks to my ex


the interweb is so stupid sometimes i swear

Not your stepdad walking around half naked talking about remember this! lol

Is he hitting on her mom? I wish I was talking to single women in their 30’s

And the ex-boyfriend is the mom’s daddy. It’s not rocket surgery.

The twist is that OPs ex is their moms kid

Can someone explain this to me please, i suck at familial algebra.

Funny she probably calls your ex daddy too

And it’s the same person

My grandma still talks to almost everyone’s ex in my family. She sometimes invites ex cheating husbands or wives to family gatherings where my relative will be there with their new husband or wife.

She’s friends with like 4 of my ex’s on Facebook, including some I haven’t dated or talked to since like 2010. All of them are married and have moved on years ago as I have. She occasionally comments on their posts. I have to remind her that I don’t want information about them because she tries to update me about their lives. I explain if I wanted know what they were up to, I’d reach out directly. If they wanted me to know about their life, they’d reach out to me.

She means well and just loves people so we all put up with it. It’s funny to me that some of those ex’s would never talk to me again even if I reached out (I wouldn’t), but they still love my grandma.

This is what I have come to expect out of people not all but this type of thing makes me feel worse bout myself just cause we are the same species

Wow, same, except instead of not mom it’s actually my mom.


Clearly she slept with your ex

May this level of toxicity never find me

Mom deff banged her EX

My mom tried to hook up with my ex. For that (and many other just as bad, if not worse, reasons) she is dead to me and I have zero contact with her. She “just can’t figure out why”. 🙄 Because you’re fucking evil.

mom rly tried to equate talking to her actual child’s father with keeping tabs on some random ex lmao. the math aint mathing bestie fr fr

My kids still talk to my ex, I guess I need to get on the ball… DNA means nothing?

Are we assuming Tay’s mum has got it going on?

Some people are only capable of seeing the world as it relates to them. Zero empathy skills. Pure narcissists.

Her Ex like, “Tay you better start callin ME Daddy (again)”

Sounds like moms getting the slam

screaming bc this is actually the most mom thing ever, like ma’am pls process the difference lmaooo

Oh Mama noooo 😭😭😭

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